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Waven tier list: ranking of the best classes in 2025

Examples of the best classes in the Waven tier list

31 different classes are currently available on Waven, and some are much stronger than others. So which class should you choose to win the most battles, as quickly as possible? Which ones suit your style of play? Let's get started with Waven tier list of the best classes in the game!

Waven tier list: the class ranking system

In this Waven tier list, we rank all the classes in the game, from the best to the worst. Our ranking is designed primarily for PvE, and is based on the ability to win battles quickly and in a wide variety of situations.

Our ranking system is based on tiers:

  • Tier S+: the best class in the Waven tier list, combining speed, stability and versatility.
  • Tier S : excellent classes that can compete with the Tier S+ class depending on the situation
  • Tier A: good classes, quite playable but not excellent
  • Tier B: average classes that lack something to make them strong
  • Tier C: below-average classes that won't be as effective as the others
  • Tier D: the worst classes in the Waven tier list at the moment.

Waven tier list: the complete ranking of classes

Here's the Waven tier list of the best classes in the game, with their respective play styles.

Class Tier Play style

Xelor Pikuxala Hand class icon for the Waven tier list

Xelor Pikuxala Hand

S+ Offensive / Teleportation

Cra Buneblade class icon for the Waven tier list

Cra Buneblade

S Pickaxe

Xelor Zinetritos Paladir class icon for the Waven tier list

Xelor Zinetritos Paladir

S Elemental states

Icon for the Iop Astramantis Pike class for the Waven tier list

Iop Astramantis Pike

S Offensive / Mobility

Eniripsa Dephasing Gem class icon for the Waven tier list

Eniripsa Dephasing Gem

S Offensive / Mobility

Xelor Tako Synchronizater class icon for the Waven tier list

Xelor Tako Synchronizater

S Action Points

Cra Arcarius Paladir class icon for the Waven tier list

Cra Arcarius Paladir

S Elemental states

Xelor Pramium Catalyst class icon for the Waven tier list

Xelor Pramium Catalyst

S Companions

Eniripsa Tamashi Amber class icon for the Waven tier list

Eniripsa Tamashi Amber

A Summoning

Sram Sicarius Paladir class icon for the Waven tier list

Sram Sicarius Paladir

A Elemental states

Sram Surokan Shiv class icon for the Waven tier list

Sram Surokan Shiv

A Offensive traps

Sram Ken Kartana class icon for the Waven tier list

Sram Ken Kartana

A Offensive traps

Icon for the Eniripsa Kokoro Brush class for the Waven tier list

Eniripsa Kokoro Brush

A Armour

Sram Shugen Flayer class icon for the Waven tier list

Sram Shugen Flayer

A Elemental states

Icon for the Eniripsa Scalpel class in the Postruker for the Waven tier list

Eniripsa Apostruker Scalpel

A Offensive Care

Eniripsa Voracius Blade class icon for the Waven tier list

Eniripsa Voracius Blade

A Drain (Damage + Healing)

Cra Blunderbust class icon for the Waven tier list

Cra Blunderbust

A Elemental states

Sram Amurai Blade class icon for the Waven tier list

Sram Amurai Blade

B Offensive and defensive traps

Xelor Gurpapa Regulator class icon for the Waven tier list

Xelor Gurpapa Regulator

B Area damage

Icon for the Iop Spectral Armabladeggedon class for the Waven tier list

Iop Spectral Armabladeggedon

B Companions

Icon of the Iop Paladir Hoplite class for the Waven tier list

Iop Hioplite Paladir

B Elemental States

Iop Flamboyant Kasai class icon for the Waven tier list

Iop Flamboyant Kasai

B Elemental states

Sram Orishi Shears class icon for the Waven tier list

Sram Orishi Shears

B Offensive traps

Cra Shaden Shiru class icon for the Waven tier list

Cra Shaden Shiru

C Teleportation / Action Points

Icon of the Iop Stalaktoss Glaive class for the Waven tier list

Iop Stalaktoss Glaive

C Offensive / Mobility

Icon of the Iop Brutal Fairblade class for the Waven tier list

Iop Brutal Fairblade

C Offensive / Armour

Xelor Jikan Sandiaton class icon for the Waven tier list

Xelor Jikan Sandiaton

C Elemental states

Icon of the Eniripsa Okus Piktus Paladir class for the Waven tier list

Eniripsa Okus Piktus Paladir

C Elemental states

Cra Piven Bow class icon for the Waven tier list

Cra Piven Bow

D Offensive / Ranged

Icon for the Iop Bovalor Orok class for the Waven tier list

Iop Bovalor Orok

D Offensive

Cra Zandizier Zo class icon for the Waven tier list

Cra Zandizier Zo

D Offensive combo

Xelor Pikuxala Hand, at the top of the Waven tier list

Xelor Pikuxala Hand class avatar for the Waven tier list

The Xelor Pikuxala Hand shines at the very top of the Waven tier list thanks to its unique teleportation passive. More than just a mobility tool, the Pikuxala's teleportation is a truly offensive weapon capable of eliminating several enemies at once. While the Xelor Pikuxala Hand is at the top of the Waven tier list, it is still difficult to use to its full potential. Its theoretical power is enormous, but every move needs to be strategically thought through. If you feel you have what it takes to master the best class in the Waven tier list, check out our Xelor Piku build on Waven!

Cra Buneblade, master of the pickaxe

Cra Buneblade class avatar for the Waven tier list

The Cra Buneblade occupies a special place in the Waven tier list thanks to its unique ability to draw spells when it has 2 or fewer left. Ideal with low-cost spells, the Cra Buneblade is the best class in the Waven tier list for activating numerous effects in a short space of time. As we pointed out in our guide to the game's best classes, it can complete the majority of PvE battles in less than 4 turns in the hands of an experienced player. But the second-best class in the Waven tier list has to be played carefully: it's crucial to play the spells in the right order.

Xelor Zinetritos Paladir, astral states specialist in the Waven tier list

Xelor Zinetritos Paladir class avatar for the Waven tier list

To complete the top 3 in the Waven tier list, here's Xelor Paladir Zinetritos! When the Paladir Zinetritos activates elemental state combos, he gains access to 'Astral Breach', a free spell that allows him to teleport and draw. This dual effect gives him the ability to dominate the terrain while multiplying attack opportunities. This class isn't for beginners, but if you're looking for a strategic challenge, the Paladir Zinetritos will reward your experience and tactical precision.

So much for our Waven tier list! With this ranking, you'll have no trouble finding the most effective class for your style of play. Stay tuned for more Waven tips and tricks!

Mr Cold
Mr Cold As a writer for comics and video games, I like to spend hours playing on my sofa. Of course, the only reason I do this is to “find inspiration for my work”.
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