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Waven Iop Kasai build: adapted spells, items and companions

Waven Iop Kasai build

On Waven, the Iop Flamboyant Kasai is an excellent offensive class. Even if it's not one of the best Waven classes in our opinion, it's still very powerful and versatile. So, would you like to create an excellent Waven Iop Kasai build? Follow the guide, we'll explain everything.

How to create a good Waven Iop Kasai build?

Let's start with the basics. The Iop Flamboyant Kasai's passive adds 1 Sword Aura each time it applies an elemental state. This Sword Aura is a weapon that orbits your character and inflicts extra damage when you attack. A good Waven Iop Kasai build should therefore use elemental spells to accumulate damage. But by focusing on attack, you run the risk of neglecting two other essential aspects of Waven: mobility and defence.

Iop Kasai Waven build stats

Our Waven build for the Iop Kasai

The aim of our Waven Iop Kasai build is to compensate for the lack of mobility and defence by converting Sword Aura into teleportation and armour. To do this, you need to choose the right skills and equipment.

Spells to equip for the Waven Iop Kasai build

Inexpensive elemental spells allow you to apply astral states quickly. Ether spells, on the other hand, provide versatility in the form of attack, movement or additional armour.

Spell name Spell effect

Icon of the Virtue spell for the Build Iop Kasai Waven


Consumes 1 Sword Aura from your hero. Gives your hero 100% of their armour attack.

Icon of the Flaming Move spell for the Build Iop Kasai Waven

Flaming Move

Teleports your hero 2 squares. 1 square per Sword Aura he has.

Siber spell icon for Build Iop Kasai Waven


Inflicts 8 magic damage and applies WET.

Icon of the Rattle spell for the Build Iop Kasai Waven


Inflicts 8 magic damage and applies BOUEUX.

Icon of the Massage spell for the Build Iop Kasai Waven


Inflicts 12 magic damage and applies OILY.

Icon of the Uppercut spell for the Build Iop Kasai Waven


Inflicts 12 magic damage and applies EVEN.

Lightning Strike spell icon for Build Iop Kasai Waven

Lightning Strike

Inflicts 29 magic damage and applies EVEN.

Dragon Strike spell icon for Build Iop Kasai Waven

Dragon Strike

Inflicts 24 magic damage and applies BOUEUX.

Icon of the Flaming Strike spell for Build Iop Kasai Waven

Flaming Strike

Inflicts 50% of your hero's attack. +30% for each Sword Aura he possesses. -1 ACTION POINT to the cost of this spell per opponent with a status.

In addition to these spells, our Waven Iop Kasai build requires the special skills Kasai Power and Kasai Overload, which considerably increase the effectiveness of Sword Auras.

Items to equip with Iop Kasai

For this Waven Iop Kasai build, we've chosen a Unicorno build. With the Unicorno Armband, enemies who have suffered several different elemental states (astral state) receive additional damage. The rings associated with this armband add attack and armour to your hero.

Item name Item effect

Unicorno Armband icon for Build Iop Kasai Waven

Unicorno Armband

Triggers an Unicorno if the target is in the ASTRAL state.

Icon of the Greuh Ring for the Build Iop Kasai Waven

O'Ghur Ring

+5%ATTACK to your hero for the turn per opponent with an elemental state.

Icon of the Lyve ring for the Build Iop Kasai Waven

O'Lyve Ring

When you cast a spell: your hero gains 15% of his attack in armour.

Icon of the Silassion ring for the Build Iop Kasai Waven

Awsillation Ring

As long as your hero has armour: +25% to your hero's attack.

Icon of the Toross Coat for the Build Iop Kasai Waven

Toross Coat

When you apply an elemental state: +10% DRAIN to your hero.

The companions of our Waven Iop Kasai build

Our Waven Iop Kasai build is not a companion-based build. We've therefore chosen utilitarian companions that are effective for drawing spells and reducing their cost. But other companions can work just as well, as long as they're quick to set up.

Companion name Companion effect

Avatar of the Decrepit Champion companion for the Iop Kasai Waven build

Lil Thorn

APPEARANCE : Discards your hand. You draw 3 spells.

Avatar of the Decrepit Champion companion for the Iop Kasai Waven build

Decrepit Champion

APPEARANCE : Swaps position with your hero. Draw 1 spell.

Avatar of the Decrepit Champion companion for the Iop Kasai Waven build


APPEARANCE : Draw 2 spells.

Avatar of the Decrepit Champion companion for the Iop Kasai Waven build


-1 ACTION POINT to the cost of the spells in your hand.

Now it's your turn to try out this Waven Iop Kasai build! Feel free to adapt it with the items and companions you prefer. We hope your victories will be swift and flamboyant. If you'd like more build ideas, don't miss out on our next Waven tips and tricks!

Mr Cold
Mr Cold As a writer for comics and video games, I like to spend hours playing on my sofa. Of course, the only reason I do this is to “find inspiration for my work”.
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