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Waven best class: which one to choose?

Examples of the Waven best class

With around thirty classes currently available in Waven, making a choice isn't always easy. Ankama's tactical RPG offers a wide variety of strategies, not all of which are equally viable. So which is the Waven best class? This article should help you find out.

How to recognise the Waven best class?

It's a complex question. If there was an official answer, everyone would play the same class! Of course, each class has its strengths and weaknesses. Not all classes are ideal in all situations and against all opponents. The strength of a particular class also depends on your level of play, the level of your equipment and your affinities as a player.

Choosing the best Waven class

Despite their differences, some classes will almost always give you better results than others. In fact, there are three criteria that the Waven best class must meet:

  • Speed : To accumulate resources, it's essential to be able to link battles together quickly. A good class is therefore a fast one, which can be farmed efficiently even at its maximum level.
  • Stability : The unpredictability of some classes can be attractive. But beware: random strategies increase the risk of error over the long term. To be the Waven best class, nothing beats safe, well-executed mechanics.
  • Versatility : Waven offers a wide range of mechanics, quests and special battles. The best-performing classes must be able to adapt to all these situations, demonstrating great mobility, robustness and offensive power.

But these criteria are not everything. In our opinion, the Waven best class is first and foremost one that you enjoy playing. So rather than a "Waven best class", we're going to present you with 5 different classes, each of which is the best in its field. All that's left for you to do is choose the class of your dreams to suit your style of play!

The best class in the game is...

Here are the 5 classes that can currently claim the title of Waven best class.

Xelor Pikuxala Hand, Waven's best teleporting class

Xelor Pikuxala Hand class skin

The Xelor Pikuxala Hand is a serious contender for the title of Waven best class, thanks to its passive that inflicts damage around it after each teleportation. Let's set the record straight: the Pikuxala's teleportation is both a powerful offensive tool and a highly effective way of avoiding damage. To get the most out of this class, move your opponents so they're all in the same place and use teleportation spells to attack them all at the same time.

However, this class is not easy to optimise. While the power of its teleportations is theoretically unrivalled, the Xelor Pikuxala Hand can be tricky to play for beginners. Xelor Pikuxala Hand may be the Waven best class, but only in the right hands.

Cra Buneblade, the Waven best class to draw from

Cra Buneblade class skin

Constantly picking up new spells when they've got 2 or less left, Cra Buneblades always have a string to their bow! Never at a loss for a solution, he's uncommonly versatile. The Cra Buneblade, ideal for low-cost spells, is Waven best class when it comes toactivating a maximum number of effects in a short space of time. In the hands of an expert player, it can even finish almost all PvE battles in less than 4 turns.

However, remember to play the Cra Buneblade spells in the right order to maximise their effects. A good Cra Buneblade player is one who knows how to play the right spell at the right time. To unlock the fearsome combos of this class, you need to know how to adapt to the situation.

Xelor Zinetritos Paladir, Waven best class for astral states

Xelor Paladir Zinetritos class skin

In the event of elemental state combos, the Xelor Zinetritos Paladir obtains Astral Breach, a free spell for teleporting and picking. This devastating double effect allows this class to dominate the field and multiply its offensive spells. To multiply the opportunities to create astral states, play several spells from different elements.

But this class is not for beginners! Perhaps even more than the Xelor Pikuxala Hand, the Xelor Zinetritos Paladir is a class for experienced players. The complexity of the astral state mechanics adds to the technicality of player and enemy placement. If you can master these two aspects, victory is yours!

Iop Astramantis Pike, the best class in offensive leaps

Iop Astramantis Pike class skin

The Iop Astramantis Pike has an impressive ability... Every turn it attacks, it gets the Mantis Jump spell, which teleports it next to an opponent and inflicts 50% of its attack. This ability, which is very easy to activate, is particularly useful for overcoming a tough opponent and repositioning yourself. If the Mantis Jump were risk-free, the Iop Astramantis Pike would undoubtedly be the Waven best class.

But as you'd expect from an Iop, the Iop Astramantis Pike leaps into the fray without a care for the consequences. Even though its passive normally activates every turn, it only attacks one target, making it vulnerable to multiple enemies. The leap is super-powerful, but watch out for the landing!

Eniripsa Dephasing Gem, Waven best class for mobility

Skin of the Eniripsa Dephasing Gem class

With its passive, theEniripsa Dephasing Gem can pass through enemies (Dephasing). A very practical ability for inflicting heavy damage along the way. By optimising its route, this class can hit as many opponents as possible and then move on again efficiently. In other words, there's nothing stopping it...

... or almost! While an optimised route is synonymous with victory for the Eniripsa Dephasing Gem, there's no guarantee that enemies will position themselves ideally. Enemies move at random after each turn, so they may not all be reached in a single move. A small price to pay for the Waven best class in terms of movement!

Now you know more about the best Waven classes! Now all you have to do is choose the ideal class for your style of play. Please note, however, that this information is subject to change with the latest updates. So don't miss out on our next articles to find out what's new in Waven. In the meantime, enjoy your game in The World of Twelve!

Mr Cold
Mr Cold As a writer for comics and video games, I like to spend hours playing on my sofa. Of course, the only reason I do this is to “find inspiration for my work”.
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