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Warpath Guide to Getting Started | Tips and Advice

Beginner's Guide to Warpath

Warpath is a management game from the famous game studio Lilith Games. It is therefore with great pleasure that we present you this game, imagined by the designers and editors ofAFK Arena! This time, you will have to manage your military base, manage your alliances and manage your own army. In Warpath, you will be able to run campaigns, dive into the history of the Second World War, all in an intuitive and deliciously addictive game! This game, released in 2020, was a hit from the start. Warpath is a strategy game that can be enjoyed both in single and multiplayer mode. Indeed, the game offers the possibility to enter into military alliances with other players.
Let's go, let's see how to start in Warpath and how to start well as an army commander! So here is our Warpath guide for beginners ! 🪖

Warpath Guide for Beginners : Purpose of the game and basic rules

Warpath is a mobile management and strategy game. You will have to manage your military base and your army units. At first you fight against Raven's forces with your tank and soldier units. As you progress through the chapters and complete tasks, you get rewards - such as virtual currency - and new officers who can command your units or air vehicles.

The aim of the game is to expand your base and make it invincible, build a complete army and collect officers. You must also manage your alliances and supplies!
This real-time war game offers epic scenarios and endless possibilities in military management. The rules are simple: you manage your base, your army and your resources. To do this, you must follow a chapter guide with mandatory actions to perform.

Warpath logo

Creating your first units on Warpath

At the beginning of the game you will have access to only two units. In order to win in Warpath, you need to create effective and trained units. You will have officers in charge of these troops and you will have to train and improve them over time. This will increase the level of your troops.

There are three different camps for your units: Vanguard, Martyrs' Watch and Freedom. Each camp has specific abilities:

  • For the Vanguard, it is about firepower and durability.
  • The Martyrs' Eve camp has the durability and speed of troops.
  • Freedom has capabilities in firepower and troop speed.

You can increase the camp by fighting with the same camp unit. This will make it gain points and therefore levels. Sending officers on missions also increases the level of the camp. Units are able to deal three types of damage. Personal damage is inflicted on unarmoured units, vehicle damage on armoured units and structural damage on buildings.

Warpath Guide: Improve your base quickly!

The construction of the base is very important. I would say that it is the most important thing in Warpath in the first place! As you go through the tasks, you need to upgrade your base to progress in the game. Most of the time, you will need different kinds of resources to access these upgrades. In order to move fast and improve your base quickly, you need to make sure you collect these resources, which you will often miss.

Warpath Resources

To collect resources, there are two possibilities:

  • Produce your resources : Simply select "Go" on the improvement task you need to perform. Then select the missing resource and click on "produce". You will then be able to mass produce the resources by allocating a production rate in the form of a build queue. You will then have a time to wait. Be careful, if two resources are missing, make sure to distribute the production of both resources equally over the queue. This will allow you to use them as quickly as possible and make your upgrade more quickly.
  • Go and get them yourself: To do this, you will have to attack the enemy. We advise you to train your units as much as possible before making three successive attacks. The stronger your army is, the faster your base will be improved. You must therefore go to the "Army" tab and train your units with the chosen officer. You can also assign points to the units so that they increase in level! By the way, this method is the fastest since you earn points when you close a chapter. These are rewards . Once your army is trained, move to one of the enemy's airdrops and fight! You can then click on "Collect" to receive your missing resources and improve your base efficiently.

Understanding the campaign system on Warpath

At the beginning of the game, your first tasks are to build your base. We advise you to start by improving your base before trying to access the campaigns! This will benefit your army as upgrading your base means training your army and exploring unknown terrain. You will be more advanced by focusing on this aspect rather than on the campaigns from the start.

💡 Good to know: Building your base and running a campaign is easier on the computer. Feel free to refer to our guide to playing Warpath on PC!

Campaigns in Warpath allow you to win many rewards for the good management of your military base. Winning a campaign is a complicated gamble. But it is not impossible! It only depends on your determination. You start with the Battle of Moscow, which you lead with officer Mira Ivanovna Volkova, alias White Wolf. By the way, this officer will be the third to join your army. This one comes after the War Machine, Randall Miller and Sergeant Spanner. It's safe to say that you'll get to this campaign very quickly. Don't rush into it!

We advise you totrain your units and go for the Battle of Moscow when you get your third unit. Because the beginning of a campaign is often easy. Except that a campaign always gets tougher at the end! To place your flags on territories invaded by the enemy, you must be prepared. To do this, you need to train as much as possible and raise the levels of your units. Choosing your units wisely is also important.

Warpath Guide - units

Tips: For the Battle of Moscow, we recommend that you start with at least two squadrons and one tank unit.

How do I get around Warpath?

Life is beautiful! Warpath is a mobile game that can be played vertically! It's quite convenient when you're playing on the road or in bed! In fact, movement is quite easy and fluid in this game. You will have your base and the map in top view and your armies will be placed on squares. You have to move your base or your units from these squares.

Your base can be moved when you choose to join an alliance with other players. Your base will then be moved to the alliance's terrain. At that time, you will have access to a chat room to exchange with others!

As for another part of the advancement, you will soon have the opportunity to conduct explorations by air. Move around as often as possible and stay for the duration of the exploration to map the area. This allows you to know the enemy bases, see where your allies are, locate resources and better manage your movements on the map.

Officers in Warpath
Officers in Warpath

During battles, you will have to move your troops. Always remember that you can choose to attack an enemy troop with one or more units. However, always move as a group! Keep your units next to each other tooptimise your strikes. Also, you will often have obstacles between you and your enemies. This is more often the case in campaigns. Think carefully beforehand about which of your units will attack which enemy troops. Move your units according to the targets for each of them. They move at the same speed, so often they will only attack with a few seconds delay. These few seconds can be decisive. This is why you need to think about coordinating your units.

Manage your resources, army and base intelligently

In fact, the watchword on Warpath is "first things first". When you are a beginner, you will tend to want to move too fast. However, you must remember that rushing is your worst enemy. Follow the chapter actions to the letter! This is what will make you the best at Warpath! If you do all the actions in the right order and dose the actions correctly according to what is or is not a priority, you will progress faster. Overall, you need to keep your resources, your army and your base at the same levels of advancement.

You should not farmer on your base if your army is weak. At some point, in order to continue managing your base, you will need resources. These resources will be important. You will have to go and get them by attacking enemy troops. Except that, you will get laminated if your army is weak! It's all a question of dosage to advance efficiently. Hence the importance of following the chapter guide!

🧐 A little tip for your resources: To avoid your resources running out, train your units and get to the airport construction. Officer Jean Dufort, aka Glorious Wings, will be in charge of airborne exploration. Go exploring and map the surrounding area in order to find several enemy airdrops at the same time. You can then attack them with your super-strong army and take their resources!

Warpath Guide - officers

Warpath guide: what mistakes not to make?

Here are our top 5 mistakes you should never make when starting out on Warpath! We'd like to avoid you to keep ragging on this game 😉 :

  • To pick up on the previous point, manage your army, your resources and your base unevenly. If you mismanage these three aspects, you will have difficulty moving forward and you will get stuck.
  • Produce too manyresources . This will fill your queue. It is better to attack to get resources. Especially since by attacking you can find ammunition or healing.
  • Do not use fortifications during enemy attacks. Many of you forget this feature. But you can build fortifications by pressing your squadron in the middle of an attack. This reduces the damage.
  • Believe that tanks are more effective than squadrons. This is not true. Squads have a longer lifespan. Also, the most important thing is to level up your units to make them stronger. You should also add accessories and upgrades to the units over time.
  • Losing patience. Yes, it's a game of patience! You will spend hours on it. But you have to stay when exploring, wait when building and think about your moves when attacking. Don't be afraid, a defeated unit is not a lost unit. Taking the risk of defeat is also learning to win better!

So now you know how to get started in the mobile game Warpath! Don't hesitate to give us your own tips and tricks in comments!

Eleysiss Survival, craft, BR, FPS, MMORPG... In short, discovery and fighting! What more could you ask for?

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