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Tower of Fantasy Dark Crystals Guide 

Tower of Fantasy Dark Crystals Guide

Are you interested in the Simulacra currently on display? So you want to get as many Tower of Fantasy Dark Crystals as possible to buy Red Nucleus and try to summon it? Well, you've come to the right place, as this guide shows you how to get free Tower of Fantasy dark crystals. You will know where and how to farm this currency thanks to our tips and tricks. You'll also be able to earn dark crystals every week through quick activities.

Collect weekly Tower of Fantasy dark crystals

Find out in this guide the different ways to get Tower of Fantasy dark crystals each week.

Get Tower of Fantasy dark crystals with weekly activities

You will be able to collect 350 dark crystals from Tower of Fantasy each week by completing weekly missions. Just click on the blade icon in the upper right corner of your screen. There you will see various tasks to complete. Most of them you will accomplish simply by playing: logging into the game, making bounties, participating in Mia's Kitchen, opening password chests, etc.

Recover dark crystals in Tower of Fantasy with weekly activities

Each objective earns you activity points. You will need a total of 900 to access all rewards. You will get Type III chips to open the world bosses ' chests as well as useful materials to improve your weapons. Remember to check the weekly tab regularly.

Join a team (guild system)

Being part of a team will earn you weekly Tower of Fantasy dark crystals. To do this, start by joining a team if you haven't already. You can then participate in team missions and make donations each day to earn merit points. With them you can buy materials and equipment in the team store.

Be part of a team to get Tower of Fantasy dark crystals

You'll also increase your team's honor points gauge, so you'll earn 50 dark crystals each week. You'll get additional Dark Crystals on Monday based on your team's treasure level. For example, at level 4, you will get 100 dark crystals.

PvP in ToF

To do PvP in Tower of Fantasy, you just have to go to the challenges tab, then Apex League. By simply doing a fight (even if you lose it), you will get 100 dark crystals at the end of the season. Depending on your ranking, you can go up to 500 crystals.

Get Tower of Fantasy dark crystals with the rewards

Thegift tab at the top right of your screen gives you access to various rewards, including of course obscure crystals.

Daily Connections

Tower of Fantasy rewards connection

By logging in each day, you will get a gift. You will get 20 dark crystals every week on the fifth day of logging in.

The combat pass

Combat pass in Tower of Fantasy

The ToF Battle Pass free version will only offer you a few dark crystals, but that's always good to have: you'll get 40 at levels 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150.

Participate in ToF events

Watch out for the events tab in the rewards section. Tower of Fantasy will regularly offer you the chance to participate in events to win dark crystals and red nukes.

Tower of Fantasy dark crystals farm

There are many ways to farm dark crystals in Tower of Fantasy. You can get a lot of them when you first start playing. This time they are rewards unique, which will not reset over time.

Explore the open world of ToF

Tower of Fantasy makes you enjoy a vast open world and is quite generous in the rewards to obtain. You will find many Black Nucleus and Gold Nucleus, but also Supply Modules (sort of spherical chests). Type I supply pod give you 20 dark crystals, while Type II supply pod give you 50.

Open Supply Pods to get black Nucleus

When you are near one of them, you will see them displayed on your mini-map. In order to open them, you may have to fight enemies or use relics. You can find the location of all the supply modules in this interactive map from Tower of Fantasy.

Tower of Fantasy Rewards exploration

You can also get additional Tower of Fantasy dark crystals by increasing the exploration gauge in different areas of the game. Therefore, it is recommended that you collect everything you find.

Make sure you take all the views, you can find them in the Terminal tab, Chronicles, then Travel Log. Also, completing the side missions in each region will earn you 200 Dark Crystals per region, as well as Gold Nuclei. To check your progress, go to the Terminal tab, then History.

Fulfill the objectives of the Wanderer's log

The Wanderer's log is one of the best ways to earn Tower of Fantasy dark crystals quickly. It is divided into 13 chapters. Each one offers missions to complete: reaching a certain level, upgrading the suppressor, possessing an SRR relic, or completing the ruins X times.

Tower of Fantasy Wanderer's log

Once you have completed all the objectives, you can collect the rewards displayed on the right page. In addition to other materials, you will get 350 dark crystals in chapters 3 and 4, and 500 dark crystals in chapters 6, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, for a total of 3700 dark crystals. There may be more later.

Achieve success in Tower of Fantasy to recover dark crystals

Tower of Fantasy offers multiple achievements to complete in the game. Most of them are very simple to accomplish: level up your explorer, finish ruins, defeat bosses or collect plants. Well, you will only earn 5 or 10 dark crystals most of the time, but by accumulating several achievements it can quickly become interesting.

Make achievements in Tower of Fantasy to get dark crystals

As a bonus, you can unlock tiers offering additional rewards such as Gold Nucleus, Proof of Purchase (to summon Matrixes) or Power Mushrooms (to permanently increase your stamina by 50 points). You can find the achievements tab by clicking on Terminal in the ToF menu.

Progressing in the Bygone Phantasm

ToF Bygone Phantasm

The Bygone Phantasm is a kind of infinite dungeon. By reaching certain levels you will get rewards, including dark crystals. For example, you will earn 200 at level 36, 250 at level 63, etc. But the challenges will get harder and harder. We help you increase your power with this guide.

Other ways to get Tower of Fantasy dark crystals

Level packs in ToF
  • Cooking: You'll earn 20 dark crystals each time you discover a new recipe. You can buy them from Liz in Astra and Margarette in Banges;
  • Raise the level of your vehicles: by going to the "repair" tab, you will be able to raise the level of your vehicles and thus have dark crystals as a reward;
  • Take advantage of the level pack: you will get dark crystals for every 5 levels you climb (from 50 to 200 dark crystals);
  • Follow Tower of Fantasy 's social networks: by liking ToF's FB page or joining their discord, you will be rewarded with 100 dark crystals.
Store for Tower of Fantasy dark crystals

That's it for this Tower of Fantasy dark crystals guide. As you can see, there are many ways to get dark crystals in ToF, especially when you are a beginner. But it is a precious and rare resource, especially if you play free-to-play.

You are advised to save it and only spend it on Red Nucleus so that you can focus on the event banners. Gold Nucleus are much easier to obtain, so there is no need to buy them. Be sure to check out our Tower of Fantasy beginner guide for more tips.

Hazulia Passionate about fantasy and science-fiction, I am constantly exploring many worlds in my head, in my texts and of course in video games! These last few months, it's Genshin Impact that takes up part of my days... But I also enjoy card games, fighting games, management games, manga, series, movies, etc.

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