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Squad Busters Tier List: ranking of the best characters and squads in 2024

Tier List Squad Busters characters

In Squad Busters, your characters are a clever mix of all the Supercell titles. You're in charge of a team of tough guys who need to earn more gems than your opponents to win, in a frenzied battle royale. To do this, you need the best characters and the best squads on your side. In this tier list, we reveal the selection of the best characters to choose from the 27 available. You'll find out their names, characteristics and rarity. So here's the 2024 Squad Busters Tier List, which will make you the best buster in the game!

The Squad Busters Tier List character ranking system

We're going to take a look at all the characters you can unlock over the course of the game as you battle against each other. But with 27 to choose from, how can you be sure you're picking the best characters? Our 2024 Squad Busters Tier List is here to help! Tier S is the best category for your character, while D is by far the one to avoid.

So here's the Squad Busters Tier List summary:

  • Tier S : Witch, Hog Rider, Barbarian King, Penny
  • Tier A: Mortis, Archer Queen, Royal King, Combat Healer, Tank, El Tigre, Dragon Chicken, Pam
  • Tier B: Bea, Medic, Dynamike, Max, Bo, Greg, Wizard, Barbarian
  • Tier C: El Primo, Shelly, Mavis, Nita, Heavy Arm
  • Tier D: Chicken, Goblin, Trader, Colt

Squad Busters Tier List in 2024: the full character and squads rankings

In this selection of the best characters, we've put together all the information you'll need to make your choice.

Tier Character Rarity Role


portrait Witch Tier List Squad Busters


Epic Attacker

HOGRIDER Tier list Squad Busters

Hog Rider

Rare Speedster

Tier list Squad Busters Barbarian King

Barbarian King

Epic Defender

Penny Tier list Squad Busters


Rare Supplier

Tier list Squad Busters Mortis


Epic All-Rounder

Tier list Squad Busters Archer Queen

Archer Queen

Epic Attacker

Battle Healer tier list Squad Busters

Battle Healer

Epic Healer

Pam character tier list squad busters


Rare Healer

Royale King squad busters

Royale King

Epic Defender

Bea tier List squad Busters


Rare Attacker

Medic tier list Squad Busters


Rare Healer

Dynamike Tier List squad busters


Rare Attacker

Tank Tier list squad Busters


Rare Defender

Max tier list squad busters


Epic Speedster

Bo Tier List squad Busters


Common Attacker

Greg tier list Squad busters


Common Supplier

Wizard Tier list squad busters


Rare Attacker


Common All-Rounder

El Primo tier list squad busters

El Primo

Common Defender

Shelly tier list squad Busters


Common All-Rounder

Mavis Tier list squad busters


Common Supplier

Nita tier List squad busters


Rare Defender

Heavy Arms Squad Busters

Heavy Arm

Common Defender

Squad Busters Chicken


Common Speedster

Goblin Squad Busters


Common Supplier Goblin

Trader Tier list Squad Busters


Common Supplier

Colt Squad Busters


Common Attacker

The best Squad Busters characters

Here's a close-up look at the 4 best characters in our Squad Busters Tier List, which you absolutely must have in your squad.

The Witch, the best character in our tier list

Witch Tier List Squad Busters

The undisputed queen of this Squad Busters tier list, the Witch will be unlocked in the Green World Green World icon and is a valiant Attacker. Her summoning abilities give her several powers to control skeletons Squelettes tier list Squad Busters. At the second level of her evolution, the Witch can summon more skeletons More Skeletons Tier list Sqaud Busters. At the final level, her ability becomes a skeleton barrel Skeleton Barrel. A great addition to your perfect team, she more than deserves her place as leader of the Squad Busters Tier List.

The Hog Rider, the best Speedster in our Squad Busters tier list

Hog Rider tier list squad BustersThe Hog Rider is one of the fastest characters to be found in the Green World Green World Icon, this marvellous Speedster will enable you to quickly pick up the gems that are lying around and get to the chest before the other players. His power is increased tenfold by the grass that gives him a burst of Turbo Hog Rider at the first stage, then Longer speed his ability lasts longer. At the final stage of his evolution, Speed tier list squad busters recharges faster. His ranking among the best characters in the Squad Busters Tier list is therefore completely understandable.

The Barbarian King, Squad Busters' essential Defender

Barbarian King Tier List Squad Busters

Solid as a rock, the Barbarian King is an outstanding Defender. He joins your team in the Green World Monde Vert tier list squad Busters. He'll be an invaluable ally when it comes to withstanding attacks from bots or other players. The first skill empowered Barbarian Kingto be unlocked gives your melee units greater speed. When you upgrade to classic level, evolution of the Barbarian King, you'll get this ability, which lets you occasionally strike enemies with its iron fist. At the super level of your evolution, you then have the power tier list squad Busters to regularly recover health when you're not Attacking.

Penny, the best Supplier in Squad Busters

Penny Tier List Squad Busters

There's nothing like a top-ranked Supplier to collect all the gems in your path. You'll only unlock her at the World Page Beach world. Penny discovers hidden treasure with her first skill Hidden Treasure tier List squad busters, allowing you to collect more coins and gems. On the second level, Penny Squad Busters key, you can also discover keys to open chests more quickly. And finally, at the last level of your evolution, Penny will allow you to regain life with her ability Coeur Penny tier List Squad Busters. It's enough to make you a truly superior character in our Squad Busters Tier List!

Bonus: the two Mega Units characters outside the Squad Busters tier list

In addition to the characters above, you'll have the chance to unlock two other host category busters, and we can't do otherwise than reveal them to you! So here they are, just for you.

Unit Characters Rarity Role
Mega Units Dragon Chicken Tier list squad buster
Chicken Dragon
Common Speedster
Mega Units

El Tigre Tier list squad busters

El Tigre

Common All-terrain

This concludes our 2024 Squad Busters Tier List of the best characters and the best squads. You've found the iconic figures from famous Supercell games and your heroes no longer hold any secrets for you. Don't miss out on all our Squad Busters tips and tricks now or in the future by bookmarking our pages! See you soon for more Squad Busters action!

GipsyD GipsyD: 1980 tons of curiosity, love of words, games and movies! The light pen and the sharp sword.
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