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Sea of Conquest: Pirate War
Sea of Conquest: Pirate War
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Sea of Conquest season 2: the complete guide

Sea of Conquest season 2

Have you explored the seas of Sea of Conquest in all their glory? If so, would you like to enjoy even more content? Sea of Conquest season 2 has just that! New characters, new ships and new game modes are all part of this free update , so don't wait any longer to discover our complete guide on the subject.

The new heroes of Sea of Conquest season 2

The first major addition to Sea of Conquest season 2 concerns the appearance of new characters. In this update, there are two of them: Tanaka and Adeline. These two characters can be summoned using conches, just like all the other heroes in the game. Here is the tier list for Sea of Conquest characters.

Sea of Conquest Season 2 new heroes

Tanaka is capable of inflicting blazing damage of up to 95% of his attack on a maximum of 5 ships. Adeline inflicts three random drowning attacks on ships in the targeted fleet.

SoC season 2 guide: the new ship

In our Sea of Conquest season 2 guide, we couldn't fail to introduce you to the new ship in this update. This ship is called the Stormbringer. It specialises in offensive, blazing and drowning skills.

Stormbringer Sea of Conquest Season 2

This ship can be obtained in two different ways. Either you can buy it at the very start of season 2 (after which it's no longer available), or you can craft it using resources. Because yes, in season 2 Sea of Conquest, you can finally build ships ! To do so, you'll need a number of components that you can obtain with real money or in some of the game's shops.

We've also put together a guide to the best hero ship formations!

New features in Sea of Conquest season 2

Shipbuilding is one of the features of Sea of Conquest season 2, but there are many others. These include seasonal specialisations and gang raids. These features promise many more hours of gameplay to unlock a whole host of rewards and new skills.

Trinkets, artefacts and other new features

In our Sea of Conquest season 2 guide, we've also introduced a number of other new additions. Firstly, two new artefacts are available. The first is a hook. When you activate it, it locks onto an enemy fleet, giving you the ability to dash towards your target at very high speed for up to a minute.

The second artefact is a shield that freezes your hit points. It activates automatically when your life is too low and prevents enemies from making you lose HP for a short time.

Sea of Conquest Season 2 new features

Trinkets are a new feature of Sea of Conquest season 2. They can be obtained from conches and offer attack, defence, healing and armour bonuses. The update's many other additions include new items in the game's various shops, as well as new recipes for cooking and new recipes for SoC drinks.

If you've been going round in circles in Sea of Conquest, that's now a thing of the past. With season 2, you'll be spending long hours roaming the oceans. And for even more Sea of Conquest fun, check out our Sea of Conquest tips and tricks!

Christelle B.
Christelle B. A writer with a passion for video games and manga. When I'm not playing, I'm in the middle of writing a novel.
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