Screen mirroring: guide to displaying your phone screen on your PC

There are several ways of playing your favourite mobile games on a PC. You can use an emulator, for example. But there's another way: screen mirroring. With screen mirroring, you can cast a phone on a PC and play on a more comfortable screen. How do you go about displaying your smartphone screen on your computer ? We'll explain everything.

Play mobile games on your PC with screen mirroring

Screen mirroring lets you display the screen of your smartphone (or tablet) on a computer screen. As well as enjoying a larger display area, you'll also be able to use your keyboard and mouse to play all your mobile games in the best possible way.

You should also know that duplicating your phone screen on a PC is a reliable and secure solution, the perfect alternative to Android emulators for PCs. What's more, screen mirroring is authorised by most publishers: it can't lead to your game account being banned or deleted, as might be the case if you were to use an emulator. Some publishers do have a policy of banning the use of these tools, such asAnkama for Dofus Touch.

The other good news is that this method of sharing a phone screen on a PC is possible, regardless of the device used. Screen mirroring is possible on both iPhone and Android. We'll explain how in the rest of this guide!

First step: activate developer mode and USB debugging

Before you can display your phone's screen on your PC, you'll need to activate developer mode and USB debugging.

Activate developer mode for screen mirroring

  1. In your smartphone settings, go to "About your phone".
  2. Next, identify the version number of your smartphone (also known as the build number, or MIUI version), then tap on it repeatedly.
  3. A message telling you that you are now a developer will appear at the bottom of your smartphone screen.

Screen mirroring: activate developer mode

Enable USB debugging

  1. In your phone settings, go to "System", then "Additional settings".
  2. Select "Options for developers", then make sure that the "USB debugging" option is activated.
  3. If the "USB debugging " option is not enabled, you will need to tick it.
  4. Now connect your Android or iOS phone or tablet to your computer, then accept USB Debugging Mode.

Enable USB debugging

You now have all the keys you need for screen mirroring. Let's now look at how to put your phone screen on your PC, whether you have an iPhone or an Android smartphone.

Share your phone screen on a Windows PC with SRCPY

Whatever your computer's operating system (Windows, macOS or Linux), you can share your phone screen on a PC via USB using this screen mirroring technique. Before doing so, you'll need to download SRCPY, a software application available only on Android smartphones and tablets. Here's how to do it:

  1. Go to the official GitHub repository.
  2. Download the version compatible with your operating system.
  3. Now extract the zip and run scrcpy.exe.

Screen mirroring with SRCPY

And that's it! You can now enjoy screen mirroring and play all your favourite mobile games on your PC screen! If this method seems too restrictive for you, we've selected the best online emulators as an alternative solution, albeit a limited one.

Set up screen mirroring on iPhone with Vysor

If you've got an iPhone, you can screen mirror your phone on a PC, but only with Vysor, a paying tool ($2.50/month, $10/year, or $40/lifetime). Despite this, Vysor not only guarantees excellent image quality, but also lets you enjoy screen mirroring on any computer (Windows, Linux, macOS), as well as on any browser.

Here's how to enjoy screen mirroring on your iPhone:

  1. Download Vysor and choose the version compatible with your computer. If you want to use screen mirroring on your browser, you don't need to download the software.
  2. Launch Vysor, then connect your iPhone to your computer either with a cable or via WiFi.

Vysor for screen mirroring on iOS

Once again, it couldn't be simpler! For Apple users, we've selected the best Android emulators for Mac.

You now have all you need to enjoy screen mirroring on Samsung and, more generally, on all Android devices, as well as iOS.

Platypousse In between boss battles on Bloodborne or Dark Souls III, our editor-in-chief Platypousse likes to look after her plants and watch an episode of Moomins under a blanket.
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