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Put your Clash Royale name in color

How to change your Clash Royale nickname color?

Want to change your Clash Royale nickname color? You've come to the right place! Find out in this tip how to put your name in red, blue, yellow and many other colors. We explain in detail what are the necessary conditions and how to proceed.

Clash Royale and its colourful nicknames!

You may know this, but when you buy the Royale Pass, your nickname is automatically displayed in the golden color. However, it is also possible touse other colors for your Clash Royale nickname. In any case, it is mandatory to have the Royale Pass to have access to this feature. If this is your case, we'll show you how to do it without further ado.

First of all, to change your Clash Royale name color, go to your Settings and click on Change Name. As below:

The Clash Royale Settings button
Click on change name
Change your Clash Royale nickname color

In the New Name text box, you must add your new name surrounded by the color codes below:

Rouge : <c2>Pseudo</c>
Vert : <c3>Pseudo</c>
Bleu foncé : <c4>Pseudo</c>
Bleu clair : <c5>Pseudo</c>
Rose : <c6>Pseudo</c>
Jaune : <c7>Pseudo</c>
Violet : <c8>Pseudo</c>
Rouge bordeaux : <c9>Pseudo</c>

Exemple : <c5>Haïku</c>

Warning! For the clever ones, you must change "NIckname" by your own nickname!

How to add several colors in your nickname?

But that's not all! You also have the possibility to put several colors in your Clash Royale nickname. Here is how to put a name with several colors in Clash Royale :

<c2>Haï<c4>ku (ici le “Haï” s’affichera en rouge et le “ku” en bleu dans Clash Royale)

However, you have to take into account that these color codes take away from the available characters, knowing that you can use 16 characters maximum in your name.

That's it for this article on how to add color to your Clash Royale nickname. If you have any questions, feel free to post them in the comments. And if you want to discover other guides to help you in the game, I redirect you to our Clash Royale tips page.

Hakio Co-founder of and passionate about virtual worlds of all kinds. It seems that Try Hard is also part of his vocabulary.


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