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Druddigon in Pokémon GO: Complete guide and tips for capturing it

Druddigon Capture Guide Pokémon Go

The new star of the Dragospire Descent event, Druddigon arrived in Pokémon GO at the event a few months ago. Check out our full guide on how to best capture and play him. The first exclusive of the Season of Legacy and accompanied by several Dragon-like Pokémon such as Deino and Minidraco, it is directly available in its shinyversion!

Capture Druddigon in Pokémon GO

Druddigon is available in level 3 raids, so it is possible for experienced players to pass it alone. However, we recommend a team of 3 to 5 people to be sure to defeat it without difficulty.

Along with Haxorus and Muplodocus, he is one of the only Pokémon Dragon-type only in Pokémon GO. He is therefore resistant to all elemental types, namely Water, Fire, Plant and Electrik. However, he has a weakness to the Fairy, Ice and... Dragon types.

After your victory, you will have a chance to catch Druddigon at level 20 (or 25 if the weather is boosted by the wind) and potentially in its chromatic version.

Druddigon Pokémon GO


Dragon type
Druddigon chromatic Pokémon GO

Druddigon (Chromatic)

Dragon type

PC: 1487 - 1561
PC (Wind Boost): 1859 - 1951

To beat it you can use your favourite legendary counters like Kyurem, Dialga or Rayquaza but also any good Pokémon with Ice, Fairy or Dragon attacks like :

  • Clefable
  • Mamoswine
  • Gardevoir
  • Togekiss
  • Salamence
  • Dragonite

Also note that if you have a Pokémon from this list in its obscure version, it will be all the more effective.

Druddigon in combat in Pokémon GO

Despite his interesting design and a Dragon type that often makes you dream, the very average stats of Druddigon and his weak movepool don't leave him many possibilities. He is only ranked 20th best Pokémon Dragon. Finally, his weakness in the Fairy type is very handicapping, as the latter is omnipresent in the current meta.

Immediate AttacksCharged Attacks
Dragon TailDragon Claw
BiteHyper Beam
Night Slash

Druddigon in PVP

In combat against other players, the choice of attack set is not up for debate. Dragon Tail is his best attack, which benefits from STAB and can charge efficiently while doing a lot of damage.
On the other hand, Dragon Claw is very fast and can be combined with Night Slice for more cover and a chance to increase attack.

Reaching a maximum of 2732PC without L-candy, we advise you to play it in Hyper League.


Druddigon Pokémon GO


Dragon type

Dragon Tail

Dragon type
Immediate attack

Dragon Claw

Dragon type
Charged Attack 1

Night Slash

Type Darkness
Charged Attack 2

Druddigon in PvE

Just like in PvP, Druddigon is a solid Pokémon , but its stats are too low and its movepool too limited, which makes it not indispensable for raids. As he does not have the Riposte attack at the moment, we advise you to choose another Pokémon Dragon like Haxorus or Dragonite which are much better.

Raid Druddigon Pokémon  GO
Courage Bernard!

Finally, its original design and colourful shiny version are a good enough excuse to add it to your Pokédex in anticipation of the December Community Day in Pokémon GO. Don't forget to finish the current field study and collection challenge to get some bonuses. Another reason to love Druddigon ? Tell us in the comments!

Hakio Co-founder of Mobi.gg and passionate about virtual worlds of all kinds. It seems that Try Hard is also part of his vocabulary.

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