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How many levels are there in Monopoly GO?

How many levels are there in Monopoly GO?

How many levels are there in Monopoly GO? If you're an aficionado of this famous mobile board game, you'll have noticed that there are several levels, as well as several boards, also known as "Boards of Directors" (not to be confused) with numerous rewards. These different levels also provide you with all the resources you need to build your board. Let's take a look at everything there is to know about the different Monopoly Go levels.

Levels and boards in Monopoly GO: explanations

We won't keep you in suspense any longer. In Monopoly GO, there's an infinite number of ways to progress in terms of levels (for the time being). In fact, as the most advanced player in the world rankings progresses, the maximum level gets higher and higher!

But be careful not to confuse the notions of 'level' and 'board'!

What does a level in MOGO mean? What is the highest level and how do you reach it?

The level corresponds to your progress through the game as you build. Each time you build a new building or make an improvement to your current board, you level up. Each level up unlocks rewards that are essential to progress in the game (dice rolls, money, stickers, new rent targets, etc.).

To reach the top of the leaderboard, there's no secret: your best weapon will be diligence! Logging on every day, playing with your friends and completing the various challenges on offer will help you to obtain the resources you need to progress. If you buy real estate intelligently and use your resources strategically, you'll have the keys to lasting progress. To go even further, we suggest you discover all our free Monopoly GO dice links, which will help you collect rewards!

Maximum world level Monopoly Go ranking

What is a board in Monopoly GO?

The boards correspond to the different maps to unlock, on which you can build your buildings. At the moment, it's not possible to say how many boards there are in total in the game. Each time you complete a board, the list grows. That's sure to make for some great hours of play! Please note that the game evolves regularly and that the number of boards is likely to change with new updates and special events, so be sure to check your board map as you progress! And don't forget that Monopoly GO gold cards will help you to optimise your playing experience and progress through the different boards.

Monopoly GO game board

That said, it seems that some players have different levels, or unlock different levels as they progress through Monopoly GO. The more you progress through the boards, the more expensive the buildings become. Not only do you earn money by starting a board, but also by looting other players' banks, destroying their buildings or collecting rent based on the improvements you make to your buildings.

  • For example, the "London" board will give you a board bonus of 10,000 silver and 50 dice.

  • If you start the "Venice" board, you will receive 24,000 silver and 50 dice.

  • If you do the "Paris" board, you'll get 96,000 silver, 50 dice and 4 cards.

  • Many other boards await you, including Maine, Fire Isle, Worn Woods, Barcelona and Boo U.

A little advice: make sure you always have your shields in reserve, as other players will want to destroy your buildings to block your progress across the boards! When you invest 3M or more in a building, seeing it destroyed can quickly become frustrating...

How can I see how many boards I have left on Monopoly GO?

It's easy to see how many boards you have left to complete on Monopoly GO. Launch the application from your smartphone. Once on the game, click on the three-bar icon in the top right-hand corner. Then click on "Maps". This will show you all the remaining boards! The further you progress (and level up), the longer the list will grow.

Access to Monopoly Go level card

Monopoly Go level card access menu

How do the rankings work in Monopoly GO levels?

During time-limited events - Tournaments - players from all over the world compete to collect special currencies and rewards once the event is over. Every event is different, so be sure to read the rules at the start! During tournaments, players are included in a ranking. The higher you are on the leaderboard, the greater the rewards you'll receive.

Simply access the leaderboard to see your level by selecting the icon for the current tournament. Events last an average of 7 days. To make sure you don't miss anything, don't forget to log in every day!

If new information about Monopoly GO levels becomes available in the future, we'll be sure to update this article. If you haven't tried it yet, this trendy game is sure to take you back to your earliest childhood! has lots of tips on MOGO!

Hellfire If I were a Pokemon, I would be Jigglypuff. Cute, but slightly annoying! (Actually, I prefer Moltres).
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