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Legend of Mushroom Crossbower Build : relics, skills and Pal

Legend of Mushroom Crossbower Build

You've chosen your class and you're definitely a Crossbower. To help you along the way, we've put together all the information you need to build the best Legend of Mushroom Crossbower. Skills, Pal, relics, everything you need to guide you to the top! Come on board with us, the best Legend of Mushroom Crossbower Build is here!

Legend of Mushroom Crossbower Build: The best skills

The crossbower is the combo class. You need to choose and look for the equipment for the Legend of Mushroom Crossbower build that are most focused on this affix. In a previous article, we looked at the overall ranking of the best Legend of Mushroom skills, so here's the best Legend of Mushroom Crossbower build for your skills, depending on your level.



Wind CrossbowerWind Crossbower

Shroom Shield Build Crossbower Legend of Mushroom|Mushroom Build Crossbower Legend of MushroomEntangling Vines Build Crossbower Legend of Mushroom |Sprawling Vines Build Crossbower Legend of Mushroom |Lead the Charge Build Crossbower Legend of Mushroom

Dual Crossbower Lom

Dual Crossbower

Heroic Soul Build Crossbower Legend of Mushroom|Gold Bomb Build skills Crossbower Legend of MushroomDisarm Build Legend of Mushroom crossbows |Mushroom Build Crossbower Legend of Mushroom |Meteor Fall Build Crossbower Legend of Mushroom

Arrowgod for Legend of Mushroom class guide

Sacred Hunter

Plume Monarch

Heroic Soul Build Crossbower Legend of Mushroom|Mushroom Build Crossbower Legend of Mushroom |Legend of Mushroom Dual Crossbower Build Attack |God of the Wind Build Crossbower Legend of Mushroom |Gold Bomb Build Legend of Mushroom crossbower

Skills can sometimes make the difference in your favour in a PvP battle, so make sure you select your Legend of Mushroom Crossbower Build carefully to give yourself the best chance of victory.

The best Pal for the Crossbower in LoM

Pal's are your faithful companions when it comes to gaining power and delivering the fatal blow that will make all the difference in your confrontations, allowing you to pass every level successfully. That's why it's so important to have a high-performance Legend of Mushroom crossbower build. There are plenty of Pal builds to choose from, and we've already discussed the top Legend of Mushroom Pal builds. But each sidekick's characteristics are unique, so here's our selection of the best Pal for the perfect Legend of Mushroom crossbow build!



Wind Crossbower

Wind Crossbower

Energetic Cactus Build Crossbower Legend of Mushroom|Fighting RoosterBuild Crossbower Legend of MushroomPo Kong Build Legend of Mushroom crossbower |Rebellious Banana Build Crossbower Legend of Mushroom |Azur Bird Build Crossbower Legend of Mushroom

Dual Crossbower Lom

Dual Crossbower

Energetic Cactus Build Crossbower Legend of Mushroom|Floral Cactus Build Crossbower Legend of MushroomSmoke Extraction Build Crossbower Legend of Mushroom |Chicken fighter Build Crossbower Legend of Mushroom|Tatoo Build Crossbows Legend of Mushroom

Arrowgod for Legend of Mushroom class guide

Sacred Hunter

Plume Monarch

Smoke Extraction Rooster best Pal Legend Of Mushroom|Pirate Octopus Pal Legend of MushroomFloral Cactus Pal LoM |Energetic Cactus best Pal Legend of Mushroom |Chicken fighter for best Pal Legend of Mushroom

Don't be afraid to make your own Legend of Mushroom Crossbower build sets with slightly different Pal's so that you're prepared for every eventuality, depending on the bosses you come up against.

Relics to equip for the Legend of Mushroom crossbower build

Relics are passive items that allow you to boost the power of your Pal, your skills or the strengths of your class. To find out all about the subtleties of Relics, take a look at our complete Legend of Mushroom Relics guide. For now, we've prepared the Legend of Mushroom crossbower build of the Relics, which you can covet at level 100, with items unlocking as you progress.



Arrowgod for Legend of Mushroom class guide

Sacred Hunter

Plume Monarch

Arrow King Mask Build Crossbower Legend of Mushroom|Eggshell Dor Build Crossbower Legend of MushroomBlessed Dew Build Crossbower Legend of Mushroom |Build Crossbower Legend of Mushroom Immunity Book|Build Crossbower Legend of Mushroom dillusion statue|Storm Necklace Build Crossbower Legend of Mushroom

Initially, you'll have to make do with the relics available, but as soon as you have the chance, switch to this Legend of Mushroom crossbower build to gain significantly in power and unlock new levels.

And that's it! Our complete guide to the best Legend of Mushroom crossbow build ends here. All the essentials for insane power are covered here. These are, of course, only suggestions, to be adapted according to your level, your stuff and unlocked items, and your playing style. If you're looking for Legend of Mushroom tips and tricks, don't forget our dedicated pages!

GipsyD GipsyD: 1980 tons of curiosity, love of words, games and movies! The light pen and the sharp sword.
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