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How to catch a Ditto in Pokémon GO?

How to catch Ditto in Pokémon GO

Among the many Pokémon available in Niantic's game, there is one that stands out for its unique profile. It is the Ditto Pokémon GO. This Pokémon copycat takes the appearance of his opponent thanks to his only attack Transform. Despite its weakness on the Gameboy, it was always fun to capture. He also did a great service in the boarding house Pokémon. In the augmented reality game, this rubbery being is not very powerful either. However, in addition to being rare and filling up your Pokédex, Ditto in Pokémon GO is essential if you hope to capture a Mew (the fifth stage of the quest Mew). An almost mythical Pokémon which is much more powerful! 😎

The Pokémon number 132 is not easy to hunt since it takes the appearance of another Pokémon. But by reading this guide you will find all the tips you need to know to get Ditto Pokémon GO.

Pokémon Go Mew, Pikachu

Recognise and catch a Ditto in Pokémon GO

How can you have a Ditto Pokémon GO, when you can't see it directly on your mobile's map? This Pokémon gelatinous monster camouflages itself by taking on the appearance of other small monsters. The problem is that this list changes regularly! To catch it, there is no other choice than to capture all the Pokémon on this list (updated in August 2021), even if you are not interested in these Pokémon or have few CP (Combat Points).

  • Purrloin
  • Numel
  • Whismur
  • Hoppip
  • Gulpin
  • Hoothoot
  • Spinarak
  • Remoraid
  • Drowzee
  • Foongus
Ditto Pokémon Go capture message

During the fight, it is impossible to know whether you are looking at the original Pokémon or an impostor Ditto . So you have to go through the process and find out the result at the end. At the moment of capture, a different message is usually displayed. The speech bubble will say "Oh ?" rather than "Gotcha!" 😀

The best tips for getting a good Ditto

Let's start by saying that Ditto of Pokémon GO cannot be obtained via an egg, no matter how rare. There's no point in scouring the earth to hatch as many eggs as possible, your hopes will be in vain. Only capture is possible and you will have to make do with classic capture tricks to obtain the precious Ditto the precious one.

  • Use Incense (buy it in the shop or earn it with levels): whether it lasts 30 minutes or 3 hours during special events, it will increase the rate at which the surrounding Pokémon appears. Keeping in mind the updated list of Pokémon that can hide a Ditto, engage in as many battles as possible.
  • Use Decoys near a Pokéstop in the hope of attracting Pokémon from the list.
  • Activate and follow the directions of the "Exploration Tracker: Nearby" function. This function will allow you to know which neighbourhood to go to in order to find Pokémon on the list.

Finally, Pokémon GO stands out for its high level of mutual support. There are Facebook groups or community Discord servers that circulate valuable information. Like a classic Pokémon , when a player meets a Dittoother players may also have the opportunity to meet them in the same place.

The existence of Ditto shiny in Pokémon Go

Ditto shiny  Pokémon  Go

Metamorh shiny has been around (sky blue) since the Circuit Pokémon GO: Kanto event (February 2021). But there is a small hitch. You had to complete a special survey to have any hope of meeting him... Players who didn't do so at the time and those who are just starting out, therefore, cannot meet Ditto chromatic. Niantic could however plan a new event in the future.

With this guide, you now have all the information you need to capture a Ditto on Pokémon GO. But don't forget to check back regularly to see if the camouflage list has been updated 😉

Tipsalewo A cocktail of mobile gaming,esport and K-PoP. Not tryhard enough to become a pro player, I am content with being the minstrel who tells the stories.


Also missing is Drowzee, which I just caught, but which turned out to be a Ditto

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