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Where to find the blue depth orbs in Genshin Impact ?

Guide to obtaining Orb of the Blue Depths in Genshin Impact

While exploring the Chasm, the new area in update 2.6 of Genshin Impact, you may have come across a member of the Black Snakes. Defeating one of these brave soldiers allows you to get your hands on an Orb of the blue depths. But what is this item for? Well, if you collect 9 of them, you can open a secret treasure room in the Abyss and not only collect a lot of Primogems, but also achieve the Crede Tenebrae achievement. But before you can do this, you must locate and defeat 9 different enemies. In this guide we tell you where to find the 9 orbs of the blue depths in Genshin Impact. We'll also give you some tips and tricks to help you progress.

The prerequisites for the search for the 9 orbs of the blue depths in Genshin Impact

To find all the blue depth orbs in Genshin Impact and access the hidden treasure room in the Abyss, you must have completed the Archon Chapter II - Act 4 quest, as well as the series of world quests The Chasm Delvers.

A word of advice before you start, hunting Black Snakes will also be easier if you have been able to unlock all the teleportation points in the Abyss and have raised your Lumenstone Adjuvant to at least level 2.

Where to find the 9 orbs of the blue depths in Genshin Impact ?

We'll accompany you with our tips and tricks on your hunt for the blue depth orbs in Genshin Impact. To get the 9 orbs, you have to face 9 different Shadowy Husk, some of which are well hidden. But don't worry, we'll give you the solution to reach them in this guide. You can face them in any order.

Detecting Buliwyf

Find the blue depth orbs in Genshin Impact : location of Buliwyf

The snake knight Buliwyf is waiting for you with two of his buddies to the south-east of the Chasm. Teleport into the area and go over the ledge on the left until you come to a chipped stone wall, through which you can see the enemies. Break it down and attack.

Buliwyf in Genshin Impact

Finding Edghetho in the Underground Chasm

Location of Edgetho in Genshin Impact

The knight is waiting for you in the Underground Waterway, the same place where you can fish for the strange item in Khedive 's secret quest: Hydrological Investigation in the Abyss. To reach this area, the solution is to go through the teleportation point in The Chasm : Main Mining Area and venture into a cave. Keep going to the right and walk along the cliff to reach Edghetho. Defeat him and collect his orb of the blue depths.

Edgetho in Genshin Impact

Going to the bottom of the abyss to defeat Haltaf

Find the blue depth orbs in Genshin Impact : location of Haltaf

Now go to the teleportation point leading to the Ruin Serpent and drop into the chasm in front of you to join Haltaf and properly defeat him.

Haltaf in Genshin Impact

Herger: find the black snake and retrieve an orb of the blue depths in Genshin Impact

Herger's location for the blue depth orbs quest in Genshin Impact

We continue our pleasant hunt for the dark shells by going to flush out Herger. Herger is hiding in the Luminous Narrows. To reach him, blow up the orange spores to unlock the passage.

Herger in Genshin Impact

Confronting Hyglacg

Find the blue depth orbs in Genshin Impact : location of Hyglacg

Your next target doesn't make much effort to hide. You will find Hyglacg in a ruin along the underground river. Once again, defeat him to retrieve another orb of the blue depths in Genshin Impact.

Hyglacg in Genshin Impact

Follow the underground river to Rethel

Location of Rethel in the quest for the Orb of the Blue Depths in Genshin Impact

To get to Rethel, use the teleportation point indicated on the map, then turn around and venture into a cave. The trick is to follow the underground river until you reach Rethel. He is standing over a waterfall. There is also a fossil in this area. Taking a picture of it will unlock the secret quest Paleontological Investigation in The Chasm.

Defeat Hethel to obtain an orb of the blue depths in Genshin Impact

Joining Roneth in the depths of the Chasm

Roneth's location in the quest for the Orb of the Blue Depths in Genshin Impact

Now return to the expedition camp and jump into the hole next to it. Once in the depths you will find Roneth and can fight him.

Roneth in Genshin Impact

Find Serkir in Genshin Impact

Location of Serkir in Genshin Impact

To reach Serkir, you are advised to use the teleportation point at the back of the Anonymous Ruins. You will then just have to glide to him.

Serkir in Genshin Impact

Open the gate to reach Skeld

Location of Skled in Genshin Impact

Skled, on the other hand, is making himself scarce by hiding behind a metal gate. Before you can deal with him, you must clear the way. To do this, the solution is to search the tunnel to the east until you find a key. Then go back to the gate, destroy the wall with the explosive barrels and confront Skeld.

Skled in Genshin Impact

Recover the secret treasure of the Abyss with the orbs of the blue depths in Genshin Impact

Location of the secret room of the Abyss in Genshin Impact

Have you managed to defeat all the Black Snakes and got your hands on 9 orbs from the blue depths? Then teleport to the reverse teleportation point in the Unnamed Ruins. Climb the stone wall in front of you and continue straight ahead until you reach a mechanism. Interact with it to use the Orb of the Blue Depths. A secret room in the ruins of the Abyss will reveal itself to you. This unlocks the Crede Tenebrae achievement and allows you to open 3 chests.

Unlock the secret room of the Abyss in Genshin Impact with the 9 orbs of the blue depths

That concludes this guide to the quest for Orb of the Blue Depths in Genshin Impact. I hope our tips and tricks have made your job easier. For more guides on the game from miHoYo studio, I redirect you to our dedicated page at Genshin Impact.

Hazulia Passionate about fantasy and science-fiction, I am constantly exploring many worlds in my head, in my texts and of course in video games! These last few months, it's Genshin Impact that takes up part of my days... But I also enjoy card games, fighting games, management games, manga, series, movies, etc.

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