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How to unlock Khedive's secret quests in Genshin Impact ?

Unlock and complete the secret quests of Khedive in Genshin Impact

Available since update 2.6 of Genshin Impact, the Chasm offers a wide range of quests, but also mysteries to discover. In this guide we reveal how to unlock the 3 secret quests of Khedive in Genshin Impact: Mycological Investigation in the Chasm, Paleontological Investigation in the Chasm and Hydrological Investigation in the Chasm. This will allow you to get your hands on additional Primogems and Moras. We'll give you step-by-step solutions to each mission with our tips and tricks.

The prerequisites for unlocking Khedive's secret quests in Genshin Impact within the Chasm

Khedive in Genshin Impact to unlock quests

To unlock Khedive's secret quests in Genshin Impact, you must first have met the character in the depths of the Abyss. You must have completed at least the quest Chasm SpelunkersThis quest is part of the set of quests in the world The Chasm Delvers. If you haven't already done so, please take a look at our detailed guides full of tips and tricks.

Khedive is a Sumuru researcher investigating the Chasm. By interacting with various elements such as mushrooms, a strange object obtained during a fishing trip or fossils, you will be able to complete 3 Chasm secret quests.

Khedive's secret quest in Genshin Impact : Mycological investigation in the Abyss

Khedive quest champion in Genshin Impact

Mycological Investigation in the Chasm is Khedive's easiest secret quest to complete in Genshin Impact. You will need to collect 8 Starshrooms. They grow all over the Chasm, especially near water sources. Locate them directly with the interactive map of Teyvat.

When you have managed to get them all, go and talk to Khedive to complete the quest. You will be rewarded with 150 experience points, 20 Primogems and 40,000 Moras.

Secret quest of Khedive in Genshin Impact : Paleontological investigation in the Chasm

Fossil from Khedive's secret quest in Genshin Impact : Paleontological investigation in the Chasm

During your exploration of the Chasm, you may have come across some fossils. A light in front of them encourages you to interact with them. After taking a picture of at least one, you start the secret quest Paleontological Investigation in the Chasm. You then have to go to Khedive who will ask you to photograph 5 fossils in total. To make your search easier, their position is indicated on the map below.

Location of the 5 fossils from the secret quest of Khedive in Genshin Impact : Paleontological investigation in the Chasm

The first fossil

First fossil from the Paleontological Investigation in the Chasm

To photograph the first fossil in Khedive's quest Genshin Impact, teleport to the Ad-Hoc Main Tunnel, then climb the pulley next to the teleportation point. Tip: Jump ahead of you to the right of the wooden bridge to reach a Treasure Raider's Den. Confront them and interact with the light in front of the fossil.

The second fossil

Now head to the northern teleportation point of The Chasm : Main Mining Area. Climb the wooden staircase in front of you, past some wooden crates and a miasma, then jump onto the platform below, where Treasure Raiders and a chest await you.

Second fossil from the Paleontological Investigation in the Chasm

Below you will see a wooden bridge and the entrance to a tunnel. This is where you should go. The second fossil lies on the right at the end of the wooden bridge.

Reaching the third fossil

To photograph the third fossil, teleport to the Underground Waterway. Here you will see a waterfall. Jump across to the left of the waterfall to reach the remains of a stone bridge. A jumping platform allows you to jump to the other side, where an Anemo stele stands. Use an Anemo character on it to create an updraft.

Third fossil of the Paleontological Investigation in the Chasm

The trick to completing this part of Khedive's quest is to fly through all the wind circles to reach a stone bridge. You can then take a picture of the third fossil and open a luxurious chest in the process.

The fourth fossil

Fourth fossil in the Paleontological Investigation in the Chasm

This time it's not very complicated. Go back to the Underground Waterway teleportation point, look south where a river meanders. You should see the glow indicating the fourth fossil. There are Hilichurls around it.

The fifth fossil

Location of the fifth fossil of the Khedive quest in Genshin Impact

To reach the final fossil, teleport to the teleportation point above and turn around to face a small passage in the rock. Enter the cave, follow the underground river and when you reach the end you will see the final fossil on the left.

Fifth fossil in the Paleontological Investigation in the Chasm

Now that you have photographed all 5 fossils, go to Khedive at the exploration camp to complete the secret quest in Genshin Impact. You will be rewarded with 200 adventure points, 30 Primogems and 60,000 Moras.

Khedive's Secret Quest: Hydrological investigation in the Chasm

Location of the fishing area of the secret quest of Khedive in Genshin Impact : Hydrological investigation in the Chasm

In order to trigger Khedive's secret quest Hydrological Investigation in the Chasm in Genshin Impact, you must first successfully fish for a strange object at the location indicated on the map.

Access to the Chasm fishing area

To get there, teleport south of The Chasm : Main Mining Area and walk into a cave. The trick is to keep to the right until you reach a chasm. Continue to the right to walk along a cliff and eventually reach the fishing area.

Fishing area of the chasm genshin impact

When you get there, catch a fish and then collect it. You should get a strange object. If not, fish again until you get it.

Fishing for a strange object in the Chasm in Genshin Impact for Khedive

Go and talk to Khedive at the exploration camp. He will ask you to test his theory by going to the point indicated. Place the object and use a Hydro character to create a reaction. You will then have to face a Hydro Geovishap.

Once the creature is defeated, validate the Khedive quest. You will then get 250 experience points, 30 Primogems and 90,000 Moras

After completing all 3 of Khedive's secret investigations in Genshin Impact, you will unlock the hidden achievement Of the Human Heart Many Essays Written and the Letter of Recommendation from the Academy which you can use later when the Sumeru area is available.

We hope you have found the tips and tricks in this guide useful. Other mysteries still await you in the Abyss, such as the blue deep orbs used to open a secret room.

Hazulia Passionate about fantasy and science-fiction, I am constantly exploring many worlds in my head, in my texts and of course in video games! These last few months, it's Genshin Impact that takes up part of my days... But I also enjoy card games, fighting games, management games, manga, series, movies, etc.

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