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Finding the position of the ruins Infinity Kingdom

Finding the ruins Infinity Kingdom

The ruins ofInfinity Kingdom can be easily underestimated. However, they give you free resources for your kingdom: free accelerators, resources such as wood or stone, additional troops, and even Philosopher's stones to summon new heroes. To help you find the location of the ruins Infinity Kingdom, we have prepared a list of ruins per level on IK.

How to enter the coordinates of a ruin?

As you may have noticed when looking at the game's user interface, X and Y coordinates are displayed at the top of the screen. To enter the coordinates of a ruin on Infinity Kingdom, first click on these coordinates. There you can first enter the X-position and then the Y-position. Then click on the small location icon to go to the location you have just entered.

enter ruin coordinates infinity kingdom

Once you have moved to the new location, click on the star at the top of the screen to save the position. This will allow you to create a list of all the ruins Infinity Kingdom to visit. This is the first method. However, it is not necessarily the fastest.

IK ruins position list

For the less patient among you, a second solution will suit you better. Open any channel (guild channel or private channel with another player). Select the list of positions to find ruins Infinity Kingdom of an entire region X,Y / X,Y / X,Y in the chat channel. From there, just click on the positions one by one and save them as before. All you have to do is repeat the process for all regions. To make the process of copying and pasting the position of the ruins easier you can also play Infinity Kingdom on PC. It will be even faster to find all the ruins.

I offer you a small map of the ruins to give you an idea of where you can find level 1, 2 or 3 ruins Infinity Kingdom .

Position of level 1 ruins on Infinity Kingdom

Ruin level 1 Infinity Kingdom

The advantage of Infinity Kingdom is that the ruins are all located in the same places on the different game servers. Exploring the ruins is even easier as you can now find and save the location of the ruins. Here is the list of ruin locations Infinity Kingdom level 1.

Chapter of ruinsRegionCoordinates of the ruins Infinity Kingdom exact (X, Y)
Zone 1: Founding of the Three KingdomsCochabiel


15.149 / 33.175 / 34.110 / 73.58 / 119.50 / 130.85 / 133.133 / 140.88 / 157.31

156.90 / 172.11 / 180.59 / 193.26 / 193.45 / 200.151 / 211.43 / 214.34 / 226.36

238.72 / 243.39 / 246.30 / 266.90 / 270.57 / 289.128 / 310.120 / 314.60 / 350.55
Zone 2: Discovering RelicsNdauthina


57,214 / 68,211 / 94,206 / 111,221 / 136,224 / 144,180 / 152,222 / 158,198 / 206,170

29,361 / 62,315 / 67,359 / 78,263 / 92,255 / 101,332 / 124,318 / 133,350 / 155,282

9,480 / 17,495 / 19,455 / 27,464 / 48,491 / 63,405 / 108,422 / 115,392 / 123,377
Zone 3: War in the Three KingdomsMyesyats


49.575 / 52.557 / 64.532 / 71.559 / 81.620 / 96.566 / 114.574 / 132.583 / 138.593

17.746 / 18.710 / 21.721 / 32.637 / 36,710 / 37,726 / 53,727 / 55,639 / 71,711

46,777 / 54,819 / 63,800 / 67,753 / 84,736 / 84,826 / 100,790 / 102,798 / 126,805
Zone 4: The Gnome InvasionEuporia

76.840 / 143.880 / 152.833 / 152.853 / 152.860 / 153.921 / 164.893 / 172.834 / 194.834

191.895 / 205.937 / 221.873 / 265.862 / 275.890 / 279.865 / 298.957 / 306.908 / 314.932
Zone 5: A New SummonsAuxo449,961 / 455,981 / 467,966 / 472,985 / 487,934 / 508,902 / 525,923 / 544,931 / 565,950
Zone 6: History of the Magic AcademyAuxesia639,950 / 665,883 / 670,856 / 680,961 / 681,858 / 691,875 / 708,900 / 712,878 / 724,892
Zone 7: The Dragons and the TreasuryEunomia

800.871 / 842.865 / 843.925 / 866.907 / 868.900 / 891.874 / 894.901 / 904.842 / 910.855

843.770 / 843.805 / 851.813 / 888.761 / 892.791 / 892.821 / 912.762 / 913.778 / 916.753
Zone 8: Sea TradeHaoma


960.922 / 972.905 / 976.925 / 977.870 / 996.869 / 1011.868 / 1012.910 / 1016.846 / 1021.884

1059.886 / 1091.879 / 1094.900 / 1095.891 / 1104,835 / 1115,907 / 1137,854 / 1149,844 / 1159,833

1032,936 / 1037,926 / 1062,948 / 1072,940 / 1077,932 / 1104,977 / 1113,924 / 1123,966 / 1133,948
Zone 9: The Call of the Three KingdomsNingal

972.791 / 990.821 / 1013.754 / 1022.823 / 1023.746 / 1033.850 / 1036.778 / 1036.817 / 1046.778

1103.782 / 1116.730 / 1138.782 / 1139.717 / 1143.775 / 1155.786 / 1164.781 / 1179.755 / 1180.765
Zone 10: The Doomsday ProphecyAstraia

1052.715 / 1063.636 / 1067.726 / 1073.697 / 1075.688 / 1119.670 / 1121.624 / 1139.629

1012.574 / 1016.585 / 1020.608 / 1038.555 / 1039.593 / 1041.562 / 1058.575 / 1067.573
Zone 11: Harold's Ice WallLugh

1073.438 / 1102.417 / 1103.475 / 1105.496 / 1116.449 / 1122.487 / 1134.535 / 1138.547 / 1144.415

1043.348 / 1053.343 / 1070.383 / 1072.346 / 1079.303 / 1102.377 / 1110.397 / 1152.402 / 1153.414
Zone 12: The Royal Alchemist AcademyBrizo

1008.261 / 1031.239 / 1040.199 / 1041.220 / 1042.287 / 1052.206 / 1065.217 / 1075.238 / 1079.278

1055.197 / 1093.148 / 1101.244 / 1107.142 / 1118.216 / 1120.185 / 1129.151 / 1149.221 / 1156.168
Zone 13: The Sovereign TombChicomecoatl

943.228 / 944.175 / 961.149 / 968.174 / 984.147 / 1008.128 / 1020.199 / 1039.137 / 1053.136

1023.70 / 1024.43 / 1037.98 / 1045.76 / 1073.114 / 1112.98 / 1134.70 / 1152.68 / 1169.113
Zone 14: Hornheim's DisappearanceCharon

732.123 / 737.87 / 753.141 / 769.84 / 773.163 / 787.226 / 797.202 / 801.123 / 811.123

848.124 / 853.92 / 853.105 / 885.93 / 901.115 / 919.62 / 954.113 / 986.123 / 1007.101
Zone 15: The Empire CrumblesSilvery Mt.


361.82 / 375.141 / 378.56 / 389.108 / 394.140 / 400.182 / 426.68 / 449.93 / 451.131

468.72 / 487.87 / 497.63 / 501.99 / 505.65 / 514.144 / 517.113 / 526.172 / 554.107

568.160 / 579.142 / 595.73 / 601.96 / 608.74 / 629.93 / 647.182 / 673.115 / 710.87

Position of level 2 ruins on Infinity Kingdom

Ruin level 2 Infinity Kingdom

The Infinity Kingdom level 2 ruins look more like a well than the others. Once you have unlocked the level 2 ruins, you can explore them. They are located closer to the heart of the map than the level 1 ruins (see ruin location map Infinity Kingdom at the beginning of the article). This list will allow you to find all the level 2 ruins to explore.

Chapter of ruinsRegionCoordinates of the ruins Infinity Kingdom exact (X, Y)
Zone 16: Sage CouncilThiazi

145.260 / 155.267 / 167.286 / 170.329 / 177.278 / 224.222 / 239.222 / 243.232 / 255.262

242.199 / 257.231 / 269.231 / 283.203 / 306.165 / 309.192 / 338.129 /
365.160 / 368.141
Zone 17: Enigma LocationAramazd140,392 / 144,459 / 151,353 / 154,367 / 164,447 / 165,405 / 180,425 / 184,378 / 190,412 / 211,369 / 214,430 / 235,353
Zone 18: Well of TimeAnuket151,468 / 155,483 / 192,558 / 193,520 / 208,442 / 210,542 / 229,537 / 233,509 / 246,549 / 264,557 / 280,514 / 300,536
Zone 19: The First Gnome InvasionGirtablulu

129.726 / 149.700 / 172.723 / 184.690 / 190.664 / 198.687 / 211.708 / 212.642 / 218.705 / 244.655 / 258.654 / 266.683

117.642 / 125.631 / 127.653 / 161.614 / 167.641 / 177.570 / 178.613 / 195.617 / 203.644 / 204.606 / 247.606 / 261.645
Zone 20: Immortals IncarnateOrthosia

226.840 / 258.809 / 270.801 / 273.844 / 284.828 / 295.767 / 308.760 / 321.751 / 341.770

149.763 / 174.755 / 179.783 / 224.781 / 238.707 / 241.773 / 278.704 / 282.691 / 298.738
Zone 21: Summoning BanCarpo

483.835 / 494.859 / 516.809 / 517.754 / 523.809 / 535.806 / 543.782 / 556.789 / 571.809

352.860 / 363.884 / 374.894 / 386.844 / 386.871 / 403.926 / 418.928 / 419.845 / 423.916
Zone 22: World HeartGaviel

642.846 / 646.858 / 657.841 / 663.765 / 673.766 / 686.835 / 690.853 / 698.740 / 726.847

553.893 / 557.868 / 572.854 / 574.894 / 590.899 / 591.892 / 596.938 / 604.900 / 609.911
Zone 23: Terrifying RumorsKayanohime

835.665 / 836.692 / 840.681 / 856.674 / 856.684 / 875.694 / 880.728 / 889.684 / 890.668

717.801 / 718.750 / 738.804 / 740.812 / 772.776 / 784.778 / 788.816 / 814.815 / 820.807
Zone 24: Founding of the EmpireThallo

885.605 / 915.620 / 915.653 / 918.667 / 925.666 / 927.644 / 943.661 /
945.599 / 947.653 / 948.588 / 965.606 / 975.656

926,764 / 929.705 / 930.777 / 933.743 / 956.787 / 958.726 / 967.697 /
975.762 / 980.751 / 978.688 / 1006.667 / 1022.671
Zone 25: Five Great KingdomsManagarm

899.367 / 933.323 / 936.399 / 955.385 / 958.475 / 959.416 / 974.394 / 1011.368 / 1016.347

977.447 / 989.435 / 1003.404 / 1016.481 / 1024.388 / 1,036.470 / 1,041.440 / 1,047.410 / 1085.398
Zone 26: The Gnome's Birth and ExileNyx877,254 / 888,260 / 910,256 / 922,267 / 927,292 / 932,285 / 933,304 / 936,316 / 952,280 / 953,243 / 958,264 / 960,328 / 978,298 / 982,321 / 991,287
Zone 27: The War of the Five KingdomsDamia

752.234 / 754.200 / 758.213 / 763.301 / 787.306 / 792.343 / 799.293 / 804.314 / 836.283

816.200 / 820.211 / 833.224 / 880.220 / 899.188 / 908.154 / 911.229 / 914.194 / 931.188
Zone 28: The AlchemistsAquilo


367.186 / 414.209 / 420.267 / 426.191 / 428.247 / 453.204 / 467.249 / 493.222 / 501.228

518.253 / 538.241 / 539.251 / 546.188 / 554,217 / 558.266 / 572.233 / 600.192 / 624.199

646.226 / 669.224 / 695.183 / 696.192 / 697.158 / 706.152 / 706.216 / 722.214 / 734.172
Zone 29: HornheimEndrop337,282 / 341,210 / 358,224 / 358,235 / 360,246 / 362,196 / 364,276 / 369,251 / 383,307 / 386,234 / 406,283 / 415,291

Position of level 3 ruins on Infinity Kingdom

Ruin level 3 Infinity Kingdom

You will find the position of the level 3 ruins Infinity Kingdom marked by this visual on the map. Level 3 ruins are marked with a white exclamation mark and are located more centrally on the map than level 2 ruins. The level 3 ruins exploration list will allow you to easily complete the ruin quests to obtain the rewards.

Chapter of ruinsRegionCoordinates of the ruins Infinity Kingdom exact (X, Y)
Zone 30: Stela of the New WorldJamm

268.379 / 285.252 / 289.361 / 299.330 / 301.263 / 309.257 / 310.275 / 315.315 / 356.332

260.397 / 276.411 / 287.419 / 295.453 / 314.454 / 326.423 / 335.383 /
338.402 / 397.420
Zone 31: Temple of NorheimPotamoi

269.666 / 279.581 / 296.678 / 332.570 / 333.556 / 343.615 / 376.589 / 386.547 / 395.567

336.710 / 344.751 / 356.656 / 357.756 / 367.712 / 373.668 / 381.741 /
386.624 / 406.636
Zone 32: History of the TribesSelvans


362.821 / 384.808 / 401.821 / 421.812 / 426.758 / 457.815 / 466.752 / 477.775 / 490.742

437.658 / 494.652 / 504.694 / 508.644 / 518,666 / 522.699 / 535.688 / 539.673 / 543.682

526.745 / 539.748 / 565.756 / 569.708 / 591.728 / 600.730 / 612.708 / 624.759 / 626.774
Zone 33: The Forbidden ZoneArtemis

739.677 / 740.707 / 747.748 / 774.643 / 775.740 / 777.692 / 790.690 / 800.657 / 812.688

801.621 / 808.650 / 809.664 / 818.593 / 825.648 / 830.615 / 837.622 / 837.632 / 878.604
Zone 34: Creation and the GuardiansPauahtun925,497 / 932,554 / 935,500 / 942,571 / 950,534 / 960,493 / 984,510 / 989,547 / 991,554 / 998,538 / 1014,504 / 1039,507
Zone 35: The Energy CircleOurea

801.548 / 806.558 / 859.515 / 868.523 / 868.533 / 893.564 / 897.511 / 903.492 / 907.483

804.390 / 822.399 / 842.400 / 853.413 / 861.363 / 862.329 / 876.356 / 886.375 / 900.331
Zone 36: The Destruction of CivilizationThrym661,276 / 675,271 / 691,253 / 693,272 / 705,328 / 708,311 / 721,292 / 727,264 / 727,314 / 729,294 / 738,265 / 738,333
Zone 37: The Memory ModificationAllocen463,325 / 471,291 / 486,287 / 498,343 / 501,329 / 511,286 / 517,358 / 538,337 / 544,310 / 545,345 / 563,357 / 576,352

Optimising your exploration of the ruins

Exploring the ruins Infinity Kingdom can be long and tedious. To make your life easier, I offer you some shortcuts. Finding the right place for the ruins is quite tiring without help. But, if you zoom out as much as possible, the yellow and white exclamation marks will stand out particularly well in the landscape if you don't want to use our entire list and keep looking on your own. Once you find a ruin, select it and use a bookmark to save its position in your list of coordinates. And, rather than searching for ruins every now and then, one by one... Run all the productions in your kingdom at the end of your game session. Then, take five minutes to find and save the position of as many ruins as possible Infinity Kingdom in your list, either manually or from our list of level 1, 2 or 3 ruins, depending on your progress.

This way, when you resume your game, you will already have the right coordinates at hand. You will be able to explore the ruins progressively during your game session. Finally, just repeat the process before closing the game! Another trick used by players is to share all the coordinates of the ruins Infinity Kingdom in the guild chat channel. You can create a custom Ruins channel and share the locations of the Memorial Monuments there to quickly advance your entire guild.

Yaya Yaya would never have spent a single cent on a mobile game. At least, that's what the legend says.

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