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CookieRun: Tower of Adventures
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CookieRun: Tower of Adventures beginner's guide | Tips and tricks

CookieRun: Tower of Adventures beginner's guide

Dive into a new opus in the CookieRun saga! Our CookieRun: Tower of Adventures beginner's guide will give you all the tips you need to get your journey off to a great start. Even if the atmosphere is very friendly, your aim is still to win, both in PvE and PvP, so follow us to find out all about gameplay, cookie selection and upgrades!

CookieRun: Tower of Adventures beginner's guide, gameplay tricks

Although relatively simple to learn, our CookieRun: ToA beginner's guide will help you make the right decisions. Soon after the tutorial, you'll be able to choose whether you want to play single-player or multiplayer. Here's how to get started on your new CookieRun adventure.

story Mode CookieRun: tower of Adventures Beginners guide

Complete the CookieRun: ToA tutorial

In our CookieRun: Tower of Adventures guide, we strongly recommend that you complete the tutorial. If you're a veteran of the franchise, it won't be much help, but it'll be worth your while. At the end of the tutorial, you'll receive 20 summoning tickets, so you'll be lucky to get any new Cookies.

On the whole, the main controls are simple and intuitive, with little presentation icons like the ones below. Everything is at your fingertips. Your attacks are grouped together for greater responsiveness, and your team-mates are on the lookout.

CookieRun: Tower of Adventures guide

The objectives for each level are clearly set out at the start of the game, with reminders such as the time limit.

During a multiplayer game with one of your friends, you can benefit from"reanimation", a welcome aid from the other players. Watch out for the regen time, which gets longer with each death. But it's a great tip for PvP games! The games are relatively short, so you can adjust the composition of your team for the next level.

CookieRun: Tower of Adventures beginner's guide, rely on the right cookies

To make the most of this CookieRun: Tower of Adventures beginner's guide, you need to rely on the right cookies. Some are better than others. To find out which ones you should have at all costs and which ones you should avoid, take a look at our CookieRun: Tower of Kingdom Tier List. Obviously, the more cookies you can invoke, the more likely you are to obtain valuable cookies.

How to invoke cookies?

To obtain cookies, you'll need to invoke them in different ways:

  • With train tickets that you earn after successfully completing various levels or various rewards (connection, level, etc.)
  • Diamonds, which you also collect at the end of successful levels.
  • With soul fragments that you have won during successes or level passages.

To do this, go to your main menu and click on the 'Invocations' tab at the bottom left of your screen.

CookieRun: Tower ofAdventures Beguiners guide

Invocations allow you to win all sorts of very interesting items. Every ticket is a winner, so don't waste a second collecting them!

The price of each Cookie is shown at the bottom right of the new interface, and you'll find your stocks of exchange items at the top of the same screen.

CookieRun: ToA guide to building your team

In this CookieRun: Tower of Adventures beginner's guide, we recommend a team with the following composition:

  • 1 dps
  • 1 Assist or Support
  • 1 Fighter

You cover all areas of the game, with ranged and close-range attacks and a heal to restore your life in the event of a hard blow. The main characteristics of each cookie are shown on the corresponding sheet when you click on the cookie. The gameplay allows you to switch between your characters immediately and easily, even in the middle of a fight.

Secondary tips from our CookieRun: ToA guide

Our CookieRun: Tower of Adventures beginner's guide aims to be as comprehensive as possible, so it's important that we also cover some aspects that may seem secondary but are just as important to getting your adventure off to a good start.

Top tip: restart incomplete levels

You can win up to 20 cookie tickets per chapter. This is noted at the bottom right of your screen.

cookieRun: Tower of Adventures beginners guide

It would be a shame to do without them, especially at the start of your adventure. It will take you a little longer to get through the story, but you'll be all the more powerful when you come to face the bosses. This also complements the fact that each level you attempt costs you hearts, but this gauge regenerates completely after a level of experience.

Join a guild in CookieRun: ToA

It was important to mention the guild in our CookieRun: Tower of Adventures beginner's guide . The guild makes it quick and easy to find teammates to help you defeat bosses in raids. You'll also be able to earn higher daily rewards, depending on the level of your guild. Any help you can get is welcome, so don't miss out. As with many multiplayer games, if you don't want to join a guild, you can always create one. But you'll be starting from scratch and the rewards won't be as great at first. Get your friends together and you'll be able to build a solid guild in no time.

CookieRun: Tower of Adventures beginner's guide - How do I gain power?

To succeed in both PvE and PvP, you need a strong team. Well, a cookie-cutter team, but one that rocks. That's why our CookieRun: ToA guide will show you all the tricks you need to successfully recruit your cookies and increase their power.

Develop your favourite cookies

Once you've invoked your cookies and managed to get the most interesting ones, upgrade them to increase their power.

To do this, simply select the cookie you want to upgrade and click on"Level+".

Level up cookieRun: Tower of Adventures beginners guide

Just pay attention to the number of potions required for level upgrades. There's nothing like progressing through the adventure to win these precious seals of approval! It's up to you to decide whether you'd prefer to raise the level of one cookie enormously or several at once.

Take part in raids in CookieRun: Tower of Adventures

Remember to use your 5 daily Raid chances once your train has reached level 5. Each time you eliminate a boss, you get 1 chest containing equipment for your cookies. This considerably increases their power. To do this, team up with 3 other players, from your guild or elsewhere, to get the power you need to defeat the boss.

CookieRun: ToA beginner's guide - equip your cookies!

Each cookie can carry one artefact and 4 pieces of equipment. Outside of raids, you can obtain these precious items by summoning them. This is very important, as are all the toppings in CookieRun. You can also earn them via summoning tickets. Take the time to choose them and upgrade them, too, to get even more power.

This is the final stop on our CookieRun: Tower of Adventures beginner's guide. You've got all the information you need to take the right route to complete your sweet journey. The gameplay no longer holds any secrets for you, and you know everything there is to know about the evolution of cookies. Make your way to the top of the tower and complete your quest! If you need help, our CookieRun: ToA tips and tricks will always be there to rescue you!

GipsyD GipsyD: 1980 tons of curiosity, love of words, games and movies! The light pen and the sharp sword.
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