We suggest you discover how to download and play Catalyst Black on Android. This way, you will be able to discover the game in pre-launch, before its official release, and in complete safety. To do so, we will propose different methods allowing you to try the long awaited baby of Super Evil Megacorp!
Download the Catalyst Black APK via TapTap
In order to play Catalyst Black, we need to get our hands on its APK. An APK is simply a type of file that stands for Android Package. It is a bit like the "zip" file of mobile applications. However, the Catalyst Black file is an XAPK, a small variant of the APK. Therefore, we will need an application that can read this file format. In order to simplify our lives, we suggest that you use TapTap to download and install Catalyst Black.
Then select "Download TapTap APK" in the new window that has just appeared.
Install the TapTap APK on your mobile
Once you have downloaded the TapTap APK, make sure it is on your phone. If you downloaded it from your PC, simply connect a USB cable from your computer to your phone to transfer the file. Make a note of where the APK is located.
Your phone won't be able to do much with this file in this form. So we'll need an application to make it usable. To do this, we suggest you use the excellent APKMirror Installer (Official) available on the Play Store.
Launch APKMirror Installer and click on "Browse files" to select the TapTap APK (in my case, it was in the "Download" file);
Click on "Install package" located towards the bottom right corner of the screen to turn TapTap into an application;
Depending on your phone's settings, it may ask you toallow Unknown Sources. Don't worry if this message is followed by a warning. Your phone rightly warns you about the danger of installing unknown files on your phone. However, as TapTap and Catalyst Black are not available on the Play Store, your phone considers them unknown sources. Accept that APKMirror Installer can handle files from unknown sources to continue;
Finally, the last step is to install TapTap. Click on "Install app" in the last window that appears.
APK Localized!
We change the APK into an application
The installation becomes usable!
All you have to do is wait for TapTap to finish installing. APKMirror will warn you with the "App installed!". We've done the tricky part! Take heart, all that's left to do is download Catalyst Black and play it before the official release!
Use TapTap to download Catalyst Black
Now that the TapTap application is installed, we can launch it to download Catalyst Black.
Search for Catalyst Black and click on "Download";
Again, your phone may ask you to allow TapTap to install unknown applications. You must give it this permission to continue;
Once the authorization is accepted, a pop-up will ask you if you want to install Catalyst Black. All you have to do is click on "Install" and wait a few seconds.
We use the TapTap search
Taptap is given permission
TapTap will install Catalyst Black
Congratulations! You can now play Black Catalyst on your mobile!
Download and play Black Catalyst on PC emulator
There is a second option to download and play Black Catalyst using Android emulators. For this tutorial, we turned to LDPlayer.
Click on "Download" and then "Download TapTap APK" ;
Then launch LDPlayer (or click on this link to get this Android emulator if you don't have it);
Drag the TapTap APK into LDPlayer. The emulator will automatically turn it into a ;
Click on the TapTap icon and search for Catalyst Black. Click on "Download" to download it;
If the emulator asks for permission to install unknown applications, accept ;
Click on "Install" to install Black Catalyst;
Bravo! You can play Black Catalyst on PC.
Please note: the keys are not configured as standard. Even if you can get away with it with a keyboard/mouse, for joystick players, it will be impossible. However, there are options to configure the keymap:
Click on the keyboard icon (in the sidebar of the emulator) ;
Select the keyboard or joystick to be configured;
Then position the keys to be configured on the display.
Here is an example of a configuration for playing with the controller:
Now you know how to download Catalyst Black and play it on your mobile, but also on an emulator. You can finally try the promising title from Super Evil Megacorp before its release date! Don't hesitate to share your feelings or to share your builds in comments!
Freelance writer, rabbit fan, manga and novel devourer, video games have always had a big place in my life. Curious, I enjoy many genres (rpg, rogue-like, card games, management, survival, monster hunting...). My favourite games are Zelda Ocarina of Time, Final Fantasy XIV and Epic Seven.
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