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Alliances in Warpath: Benefits and Strategy

Warpath Alliances

The mobile game Warpath is a management and strategy game. In this game you have to manage your military base and your armies. As Warpath is also a multiplayer game, it is possible to join an alliance! It's pretty cool to play with other people, especially when you are a beginner! From the start of the game you will be asked to join forces with other commanders to advance in the story mode. Warpath alliances are actually very useful for many reasons, which we will list! We will also teach you how to create your own alliance and how to add a friend to your alliance on Warpath. Onward and upward, soldiers 😉

What are alliances for in Warpath?

Entering the depths of World War II history alone is not easy. That's why, from the very beginning of the game, one of your missions to get your rewards chapter is to join an alliance. But first, what exactly are alliances in the game Warpath? Alliances are groups of players who are part of the same team. All players in the alliance have access to a field and a chat room, as well as many other privileges that unite the allies! The purpose of an alliance is to help each other to progress together.

It is in the interest of the members to play together to make the alliance more powerful. The stronger the alliance, the more rewards and research bonuses you will receive. The power of an alliance is calculated by the sum of the power of its players, so others will be looking for you to advance!

All new alliances start with a maximum number of 50 players. This maximum number can increase as the alliance progresses! Here are some other advantages of joining a Warpath alliance:

  • Players can protect you when you are attacked and vice versa! This is very useful because if you have a weak army, you can rely on your partners to make the enemy fold. Two armies are better than one during an attack! So you can coordinate to attack rivals!
  • Members can also protect your base when you are offline. Warpath is a real-time game. This means that your base lives on in your absence. Joining an alliance also means keeping your fortress standing longer without your efforts being wasted!
  • Participating in an alliance also means getting research bonuses. Research is essential to your progress. It allows you to unlock buildings and technological abilities. The alliance has 3 technology trees whose bonuses will benefit all its members when the research is developed. The first one brings bonuses on recruitment, collection, research and resource production. The second one helps to increase the number of members, the territory and to reduce the construction time. The third offers combat bonuses to the members' units.
  • Collecting resources will be faster. On average, collecting resources in allied territory reduces the collection time by 25%.

How to create your own alliance in Warpath?

If you don't want to be part of a single alliance, of which you are only one member, you can create your own alliance on Warpath. Your mission as leader will be to recruit members (maximum fifty at the beginning) and to keep them! You must make your alliance members want to stay. So build up trust by offering your members regular missions. You can, for example, offer them training sessions, collections, village attacks, etc.

Keep the alliance afloat by sending regular in-game mails to players and animate the chat by alternating relaxation and useful information. Welcome new members and support new players!

Adding a friend to your wedding ring: Instructions for use

Apparently, many of you are asking this question! Here is the answer. To add a friend to your alliance on Warpath, there are several solutions.

First, if you are not the leader of the alliance, you can either ask the leader or the officers to add your friend. Or you can make sure, with the officers or the leader, that the alliance is available to all players. That is, open to the public !

If you have formed your own alliance, you can set your alliance to public status or "apply to join". You can then tell your friend the name of the alliance, so they can find it easily. Alternatively, you can also send an invitation to members via in-game email.

Warpath alliances to gain rewards

If you have read our advanced tips on the game Warpath, you already know that rewards are very important to progress efficiently in the game. The stronger an alliance is, the more rewards and bonuses. You can earn rewards by completing missions for the alliance and by getting involved in the common life. Create buildings, train units, work with other players and invade the land!

There are also manyevents to participate in on Warpath. Some of these events can be played in teams. So you can team up with members of your alliance to coordinate the best way to complete missions! Well yes, alliances are very useful! We'll give you a hint, these events can earn you unique rewards .

The first thing to do is to build a central command at a strategic location on the map. Then appoint trusted people as officers. Follow the battle plan of your alliance to lay the groundwork for the members. A battle plan should last about a month.

Tip: Don't hesitate to include your language in your alliance name so that players who speak your language can join you! You will get more applications.

All about the ring shop in Warpath

Did you know? The alliances in Warpath each have a dedicated shop! Indeed, when you join an alliance, you can access their shop. This shop allows you to have many resources bought by the alliance with alliance points.

Resources can be acquired by players through commander credits. Credits can be obtained by attacking villages and obtaining these territories. You can also get them by participating in alliance research! That's why it's important to participate in the common life with your allies!

Getting these resources can be useful for your own base. We advise you to also participate in territory captures with your allies' armies to move faster. Set up your base during a territory capture and you can get commander credits which you can exchange in the alliance shop for resources.

Communicating well in a military alliance

Warpath alliances are great for helping each other and therefore communicating with members to progress. In an alliance, you will have access to a text chat. This way, players can help each other and coordinate attacks on targets.

Once you have joined an alliance, you will need to get involved. You should know that alliances are made up of basic members, but also a leader and officers. The alliance leader and officers are able to see how long you have been logged in when you last logged in to the game. This is how the alliance commanders sort out the members. Show that you are there and make yourself useful ! This way you will keep your place!

You now know a little more about Warpath wedding rings. If you have any other practical questions about alliances, please leave a comment so that we can answer you as soon as possible! Feel free to check out our beginner's guide to learn a little more about this mobile management game! 💪

Eleysiss Survival, craft, BR, FPS, MMORPG... In short, discovery and fighting! What more could you ask for?

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