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Summoners War: Lost Centuria
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Update Lost Centuria : Friendly competition mode and 2 new monsters

Update Lost Centuria Friendly Competition

The 1.3.5 update for Lost Centuria has just been released and it brings some exciting new content! First of all, two new monsters have been added to the game, then a new game mode, the Friendly Competition, which we can't wait to discover. We come back in detail on this patch to give you all the info. ⬇️

2 new monsters arrive on Lost Centuria

No new legendary monster in this update! Indeed, we'll have to make do with a rare monster and an epic monster. The previous update Lost Centuria introduced Seara, so don't get too greedy this time.

So it's Scarab, the heroic rhinoceros beetle Fire and Belladeon (Inugami), a rare monster and Light, who are coming to SW: Lost Centuria. What do they have in store for us?

Scarab, the rhinoceros beetle - Heroic Fire Monster - Defence

Fortified fortress
Gets a shell that grants aDEF II increase effect and a Fortification effect (damage over time).
Skill Stone
(beneficial effect)
Increases the duration of the Fortified Fortress DEF increase by 6 seconds.
Skill Stone
(beneficial effect)
Increases Scarab's resistance by 35%.
Skill Stone
(flaming shell)
Increases the duration of continuous damage from Fortification by 3 seconds.

Belladeon, Inugami - Rare Light Monster - Support

Blessing of the divine beast
The blessing effect of the divine beast grants all allies continuous Recovery for 6 seconds.
Skill Stone
(beneficial effect)
Increases Belladeon's defence by 15%.
Skill Stone
(amount of VPs recovered)
Increases the duration of the divine beast's Blessing Recovery by 3 seconds, but its mana cost increases by 1.
Skill Stone
(boosted healing)
Each time Blessing of the Divine Beast is used, grants a boosted healing effect to the ally with the lowest health for 9 seconds.

What do you think of these new monsters? I feel like Belladeon is going to be very, very powerful and will be used to counter a lot of monsters that pose DoTs...

New game mode: Friendly competition

In this new game mode, you can organise your own competition, with your own custom settings. It's a brand new system in the game that allows for a lot of freedom and fun.

How to create or enter a friendly competition?

You can start this game mode in the menu at the top right of Lobby .

Friendly competition menu Lost Centuria

Then you can configure many settings such as the game mode of your competition and many conditions when creating a friendly competition.
For example, you can choose one of the different constraint fights, set the maximum number of participants, add required monster levels, you can decide whether runes and skill stones apply their effects or not, etc.

Create a friendly competition on Lost Centuria

Once you have created a friendly competition, you can share it in the general chat or in your alliance chat. Other players can then participate in your competition by clicking on the shared chat.

How the friendly competition works

Once you have entered the Friendly Competition, you can choose a summoner from the list of participants or use the Quick Fight function to match all participants.
The competition organiser can invite certain players to play against each other and becomes a spectator of the match in question (you basically pull the strings :p).
You can watch replays of all the matches that took place in this friendly competition in the match list.

So, are you going to create a Friendly Competition or sign up for this new mode?
If you still have any questions about the game, please check out our tips on Lost Centuria, a real goldmine with lots of guides on the game!

Marjo Former editor-in-chief of and a real sniper of spelling mistakes. Very good audience, laughter is my fuel. Life is a game, isn't it!

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