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Cinematic of Set 6 : launch of TFT Gizmos & Gadgets

Trailer set Gizmos & Gadgets TFT

Since its arrival on the servers of test , the new TFT set has already been the subject of much discussion. But it was time for it to be opened to a wider audience. To celebrate the release of Gizmos & Gadgets yesterday, Riot Games released a trailer Cinematic of Set 6 featuring a battle of robots you'll easily recognize! Say goodbye to the PBE servers and welcome to test live from Set 6 and its Cinematic !

Trailer Cinematic from Gizmos & Gadgets for the release of the set

The set Gizmos & Gadgets is a bit special: it introduces some really new mechanics between the champions as well as on the background gameplay. Where the set brings more depth to TFT is obviously the hextech optimization dimension. Optimisations are available in phases 1-4, 3-3 and 4-5. Each of these phases offers you a choice between optimisations unique to that tier or shared between the three phases. Check out the results of this robot battle in the Cinematic trailer from Set 6 !

Returning to the mechanics of Hextech Augments, this can significantly boost or reduce the performance of a composition. Optimisations are represented by the blue items picked up by the small legend in the Cinematic of the Set 6 Gizmos & Gadgets above. With them you can, for example, boost one type of hero. Or you can focus on obtaining gold and increasing the versatility of your team. There are 3 different optimisations available, which can vary from one player to another. Moreover, you can also consult the optimisations chosen by your opponents. This allows you to learn from their successes... or their failures!

Small captions from Set 6 TFT

On the PBE, we detailed the new TFT set. So, to get you started on the patch 11.22 set, check out our Set 6 champion guide and our Set 6 class tip detailing the additions in this update.

Yaya Yaya would never have spent a single cent on a mobile game. At least, that's what the legend says.

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