Project R.I.S.E, a new game.... from SUPERCELL!

Announcement of Project R.I.S.E by Supercell

We didn't see it coming: Swedish studio Supercell has just announced a new game, Project R.I.S.E, just a few weeks after the release of Squad Busters. A new game? Well, not really... Project R.IS.E is in fact a reworking of Clash Heroes, announced for 2021 along with Clash Quest and Clash Mini, two titles that unfortunately ended up in the Super-graveyard. So should we pin all our hopes on Project R.IS.E? Will it have as positive an outcome as Squad Busters? We'll tell you a bit more.

Project R.I.S.E uses the same DA as Clash Heroes, but offers new gameplay

Development of Clash Heroes was sufficiently advanced for us to have seen a few gameplay images at the time. This single-player, top-down action game set in the Clash universe featured the well-known AD of the Supercell games, as well as iconic characters such as the barbarian and the archer.

Death of the Clash Mini and Clash Quest games

All these elements have been carried over into Project R.I.S.E. But unlike Clash Heroes, the new title announced by Supercell will be a social multiplayer action game , with roguelite mechanics. Your objective will be to explore a mysterious environment called 'The Tower' with two other players.

Project Rise gameplay

Each session takes place on a different floor of the tower , and your objective will be to get as high as possible, die and start again (we warned you, this is a roguelite).

A pre-alpha test for Project R.I.S.E scheduled for early July

Project R.I.S.E is still in the early stages of development, but to keep the flame of hope alive in the hearts of fans, the devs of Clash Royale and Clash of Clans have announced a pre-alpha test of the game for early July .

Supercell's Project RISE at a glance

You can sign up now, either via the official link or via the QR code below:

QR codes registration test Project R.I.S.E

Other tests will be carried out as Project R.I.S.E develops, and we'll be sure to keep you informed as things progress. We can only hope that the replacement for Clash Heroes doesn't end up in the super-graveyard alongside Clash Mini and Clash Quest.

Platypousse In between boss battles on Bloodborne or Dark Souls III, our editor-in-chief Platypousse likes to look after her plants and watch an episode of Moomins under a blanket.
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