Romot on iOS and Android, your new daily mental exercise

Romot, your new daily mental exercise

Are you looking for a game to rack your brains? Let's discover together Romot on iOS and Android, a puzzle game in which you will have to find the secret french word of the day by getting closer to the meaning of the latter. Let's see how the principle of this game developed in solo works.

Romot on iOS and Android, find the french word of the day!

In Romot, available on iOS and Android, a french secret word is to be discovered every day. Unlike games like Wordle and its French variations, the objective is not to search for the french word's spelling, but rather to get closer to the semantic cocoon of the answer. When you discover a word in the list of 1000 words closest to the solution, its rank will be displayed on the screen.

Romot, find the french word every day!

If you can't find the answer, you can unlock clues every 30 attempts. These are random french words that are among the 500 words closest to the answer of the day.

In total, you can unlock 5 clues of increasingly similar french words. The last two clues also indicate the shape of the word by revealing the number of letters.

A rather interesting challenge

With a very simple concept to understand and a minimalist interface, Romot on iOS and Android is more complex than it seems, unless my level is catastrophic.

For my part, I stagnated for a long time at the 36th french word closest to the answer of the day before having an epiphany on the secret french word. I still took 108 attempts to find the answer, 20 more than the average of the day.

I hope to make up for it tomorrow and gradually beat my score as the days go by. I blurred the answer so as not to spoil the fun, but here are the clues I had before I found it.

Romot solution screen

Once you have found the secret french word of the day, you can check the list of the 100 closest words if you want to try hard and get the best score.

So much for the Romot on Android and iOS presentation, an interesting mental exercise to add to your daily routine to challenge your brain. According to the developer, the Android version will be improved soon to make it even more efficient. Finally, don't hesitate to join our Discord to share your best scores on Romot.

Alco A fan of video games, SF, comics, cinema and new technologies, he is a bit of a geek cliché, but he assumes it.

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