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Pokémon Unite: Sylveon coming soon?

Pokémon Unit Sylveon

The figure of dataminers is ambivalent in the gaming world. They often give white hairs to the developers, by revealing in preview well kept secrets. But for the community, always looking for fresh news, leaks are a godsend. The latest one on Pokémon Unite should please many players. According to this leak, we should soon have the opportunity to play Blissey, Greedent and Sylveon in Pokémon Unite! We hope that Nintendo will not back down now that the secret is out and we can't wait to get our hands on the Fairy-like evolution ofEevee.

And because we can't get enough of them, the dataminers have also leaked several skins that should be hitting the shops very soon.

Pokémo Unite Sylveon, Blissey and Greedent

Blissey Pokémon Unit

For the moment, the MOBA Pokémon does not lack characters. With Pikachu, Snorlax or Charizard, the range of choice is already quite large. But as there are almost 900 little monsters, we can expect to see regular additions. Even if there is no official date yet, 3 newcomers should soon make their appearance in Pokémon Unite as Sylveon.

  • Sylveon (Pokémon of Fairy type): this Pokémon seems on paper to be very versatile. It is not clear whether it will be a melee or ranged attacker. Fans would also like to know if other evolutions Eevee will be implemented in the game.
  • Blissey (Pokémon of Normal type) : this is the evolution of Chansey, the Pokémon nurse found in all the Pokémon centres. Given his pedigree and classic moveset , this character should logically belong to the Support category. Even if in general he is also very solid and could also fill the role of tank...
  • Greedent (Pokémon of Normal type): This big squirrel is the evolution of Skwovet. We're not going to lie, it's not exactly a community favourite, but this might be a good opportunity to see it in a new light with Pokémon Unite.

Very excited to see Sylveon in Pokémon Unite and also excited to see the content expand between now and the mobile release in September.

An overview of upcoming skins

Skin Snorlax Pokémon Sitrus Bay Unit

Players will also have the opportunity to purchase new skins (Holowears) to customise their favourite character. The data on display to the public includes :

  • A Venusaur with a hat and a scarf
  • A Pikachu with a flowery summer hat.
  • A Blastoise with a small waistcoat.
  • A Snorlax with a Sitrus berry suit.

For the moment, it's still summer and we're sticking to the summer theme. But when winter comes, we should see more diversity. In the meantime, we'll let the dataminers dig deeper and deeper to find out who will be coming after Sylveon in Pokémon Unite.

Tipsalewo A cocktail of mobile gaming,esport and K-PoP. Not tryhard enough to become a pro player, I am content with being the minstrel who tells the stories.

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