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Super Item Enhancers Pokémon Unite: no more Pay to Win?

Super Item Enhancers Pokémon Unite

Have you given in to the fury of Pokémon Unite, which is now also available on smartphones? While the game has everything to seduce, the community has pointed out a rather annoying obstacle... The Pay to Win dimension of the game. Mobile gamers may have a reputation for being spendthrifts, but nobody likes to be taken for a ride Pidgey. But with the introduction of the Super Item Enhancers Pokémon Unite, this unfair system may be over!

The developers have heard the general discontent and have taken advantage of the latest patch to introduce new free items that greatly balance the game. There is no longer any need to pay to upgrade your items to the maximum level! This is great news for putting skill back at the centre of the debate.

update notice Super Item Enhancers Pokémon Unite

Why was Pokémon Unite Pay to Win?

Although skill is still the number one factor in winning, you'd have to be blind or in bad faith to completely disregard the Pay to Win aspect of Pokémon Unite. When launching the game, players have the possibility to select three items that offer in-game bonuses: Raw Helmet, Remnants, Combat Jacket... These items are free, but they could be upgraded to level 30 to increase their efficiency. And that was the heart of the problem...

While it was relatively easy to upgrade items up to level 20, the later levels were often a problem that the Super Item Enhancers wanted to address. In theory, it took several months of play to show a SINGLE item at maximum level. As each Pokémon requires a specific combination of items, it could take forever to get fully armed. But the less patient, or the richer, didn't have this problem and upgraded all the items by burning the credit card.

What does the Super Item Enhancers Pokémon Unite change?

Super Item Enhancers Pokémon Unite

With the September patch, the game introduced some new consumables that are really cool. The Super Item Enhancers Pokémon Unite can be obtained for free at level 10, 12 and 14. And they allow you to level up 3 items! All this is almost free, as you only need to spend one coin per item. For those who have already sanded the game, no worries. These three gifts are retroactive.

Well obviously, the Pay to Win is not completely finished... Since three items are not enough to cover the needs of all the playable Pokémon . A defender like Snorlax does not have the same profile as an attacker like Gardevoir. But we won't complain too much either and the Super Item Enhancers Pokémon Unite are still nice.

Tipsalewo A cocktail of mobile gaming,esport and K-PoP. Not tryhard enough to become a pro player, I am content with being the minstrel who tells the stories.

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