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New balance activated in game! (23/3)

New balance activated in game! (23/3)

Clash Royale update of 23/03/2016. Find all the new features in the changelog below:

Arc-X: range reduced to 12 (instead of 13)
- We want to open up the possibilities to counter the Arc-X slightly. With this reduced range, it will no longer be possible to hit your opponent's towers by placing him behind a Tesla or on the other side of the river!

Tesla: hit speed reduced to 0.8s (from 0.7); life reduced to 40s (from 60)
- Tesla's usage and win rates do not seem to indicate overpowering; however, we also have a design principle that all cards have weak points and can be countered, which Tesla clearly did not. A slower hit rate will reduce the damage per second it does to large targets and make it more vulnerable to attacking groups.

Cannon: life span reduced to 30 s (instead of 40)
- The defensive power and value of the cannon is a bit exaggerated for its cost of 3 elixirs. A reduced lifespan will reduce its endurance.

Princess: 10% lower life points
- In levels where cards are subject to the Tournament Rules, we feel that comparatively speaking, arrows should be able to beat the princess for an equal cost of elixir. This reduction in hit points should ensure that this is the case. Also, the princess' usage rate is very high, and a little more vulnerability shouldn't hurt her.

Ice Sorcerer: 5% more damage
- The Ice Sorcerer has the advantage of being easy to control, but will now deal slightly more damage, making it more threatening.

Prince: 13% reduced charge speed
- Currently, the Prince is the most used card in the game, but despite many misconceptions, its win rates do not indicate that it is an overpowered card. However, if left unchecked, it is quite capable of destroying a tower on its own, which can be quite impressive. With a slightly slower charge speed, his opponents will have a little more time to react and counter him.

Dark Prince: 13% reduced charging speed
- Both princes have horses of the same breed, so it is logical that they move at the same speed.

Valkyrie: 10% more health and damage
- The Valkyrie's usage rate is quite low, as it still needs to find its place in the world. With more damage and health points, it should be able to do so.

Royal Giant: 20% more damage
- The Royal Giant's use and win rates are very low, which indicates a distinct lack of power. We wanted to significantly increase its damage instead of increasing its health, so that it could fulfil its dreams of mass destruction.

Giant: 5% more damage
- By giving the giant a little more damage instead of increasing its health, we hope to make it a more interesting choice without making it more powerful in defence.

Rage: 40% move and attack speed bonus (up from 35%); 20% shorter duration
In action, rage is a thrilling and surprising card, but it didn't have quite enough power to make it into most combat cards. By increasing its bonus to 40% and reducing its duration, rage will gain in intensity and offensive power.

Poison: damage increased by 5
- The usage rate of poison is quite low. With a little more damage inflicted over time, it should be an interesting alternative to the fireball and other damage spells.

Mirror: Reproduction of legendary cards with 1 level less
- Proportionally, the mirror was creating legendary cards that were (slightly) too high level. After this change, a mirror of level 5 will create a legendary card of level 2, and so on.

Three Musketeers: cost reduced to 9 (instead of 10)
- The usage rate of the three musketeers is extremely low. With a cost of 9 elixirs, they should become more valuable and less risky, which should make them more attractive.

Archers: faster initial attack (like spear goblins)
- The usage rate of archers decreases rapidly after the first few times in the game, while that of spear goblins remains stable in all levels. With a faster initial attack, they will be more responsive and effective.

Balloon: Life points increased by 5
- The balloon has a low usage rate in the higher levels, as well as many enemies (buildings in particular). With more health points, it should be able to reach the towers!

Witch: Damage increased by 5
- The Witch has a low usage rate at higher levels. She needs to inflict a bit more damage to become relevant again.

Hakio Co-founder of and passionate about virtual worlds of all kinds. It seems that Try Hard is also part of his vocabulary.

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