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Genshin Impact 2.3 Update: everything you need to know

UPDATE 2.3 Genshin Impact

MiHoYo announced update 2.3 of Genshin Impact "Shadows in the Heart of Blizzard" during a livestream. The patch brings a lot of new features, including 2 new Geo characters: Itto and Gorou, but also new events, an additional boss and lootable equipment! The update will be deployed on November 24th. The update has several surprises in store to celebrate the arrival of winter.

Check out the trailer for Shadows amidst Snowstorms:

New events in update 2.3 of Genshin Impact

In total agreement with the cold weather, MiHoYo has concocted for the update 2.3 of Genshin Impact a brand new event that will take place in the DosDragon Mountains. This is your chance to once again travel through the snowy mountains and try to survive the cold. You will meet up with Albedo and Eula and hopefully learn more about them. But it won't be easy! Several challenges await you: a race with special bonuses, tracking training and a tough challenge, where you have to face Cryo enemies.

New events in the DosDragon Mountains in update 2.3 Genshin Impact

In addition to these 3 challenges, you will have the opportunity to create your own snowman and display it in your Serenitea Pot.

On the other hand, a second event will take place in Inazuma. Your mission will be to investigate animals that have mysteriously disappeared. You will then be able to capture all the animals from Genshin Impact and place them in your Serenitea Pot.

Two new Geo characters in Genshin Impact

While the first phase of 2.3 features two well-known 5-star characters, Eula and Albedo, other new heroes will make their appearance from 14 December.

Arataki Itto: a 5-star Geo hero

Arataki Itto, new 5-star character of Genshin Impact

The 2.3 update of Genshin Impact marks the arrival in its second phase of a new 5★ hero: Arataki Itto. He leads a gang and wields a two-handed sword. The videos we've seen suggest that this will be a hard-hitting, no-nonsense character. Evil Oni King, his elemental rampage, allows him to cause Geo damage with all his attacks. His DPS also increases.

You can learn more about him in a new story quest.

Gorou: a 4-star Geo hero

Gorou, the new 4-star character from Genshin Impact

You can also try to summon Gorou, a 4★ hero, who you may have encountered in the Inazuma quests. The great general of Watatsumi Island is, for his part, an archer. He will be able to grant bonuses to his comrades if they are of the same type as him.

A new boss: the Golden Alpha Wolf

The Golden Alpha Wolf appears on Tsurumi Island. He will be able to summon Rift Alphas and applies the corrosion effect to the entire team.

Not only that, but you'll be able to get your hands on new artifact sets: Divine Chorus, which is perfect for Kokomi and Husk of Opulent Dreams, designed for Geo characters.

Hazulia Passionate about fantasy and science-fiction, I am constantly exploring many worlds in my head, in my texts and of course in video games! These last few months, it's Genshin Impact that takes up part of my days... But I also enjoy card games, fighting games, management games, manga, series, movies, etc.

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