E3 is cancelled... If you had already ordered your plane tickets to Los Angeles or were planning to spend some quality time watching shows full of new announcements and future Devolver memes, you're out. We come back to the reasons for the cancellation of the E3 to explain it all to you. And above all... what will happen at the E3 2024 edition?
Reasons why E3 2023 is cancelled
We suspected it but E3 will not be back this year either. Despite the teasing from ReedPop, the company that organizes the event, the show will not take place. According to an internal email from the company that usually organizes the convention, all the staff has been informed this week of the official cancellation of E3 2023.
The Hype starts now. 👀#E32023 will take place in person from June 13-16 in the Los Angeles Convention Center with separated business and consumer days and areas.
Although one may wonder why, when the event had been announced several months ago and the organizers had stated that they preferred to cancel the 2022 edition to come back in force in 2023, the reasons for this cancellation are quite obvious.
First, the pandemic and the current recession have severely delayed video game production, so you've heard almost more about closures than game releases since January. Second, game publishers and developers want to do everything themselves: everyone wants their own virtual currencies, their own metaverse, their own games, their own media and their own convention.
Will E3 2024 happen?
For practical reasons, conventions or game presentation events are mostly done online and there is no reason to go to an event like E3 to showcase your latest productions since everyone has their own virtual showcase. This is the main reason for the cancellation of the E3 in 2023, not the delay of the video game productions.
The Nintendo Direct, the State of Play and all the other major recurring live events of video game publishers have taken precedence over E3, which has failed to reinvent its formula to attract them to Los Angeles. E3 is not completely abandoned but the hope that it will finally come back in 2024 with a real impact remains very low.E3 2024 is getting further away every day rather than closer.
Yaya would never have spent a single cent on a mobile game. At least, that's what the legend says.
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