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Dive into the Dofus Touch re-launch with 45,000 other pre-registered players!

Pre-registration for the Dofus Touch 2024 relaunch

You're looking for a new mobile game to get into, but nothing's tempting you. And yet, the answer may be right under your nose. Like more than 40,000 other players, you could be diving into the server rush of the Dofus Touch re-launch, starting by pre-registering for the opening of the Tiliwan French servers, which is fast approaching. The world of the Twelve still has many secrets to reveal.

Between 2016 and 2024, a lot has changed in the game. Classes, the map, farming and emblematic content have all been overhauled, and the whole thing will be ready for you on 3 April 2024. Don't miss this opportunity to try, or try again, and make your mark on the history of the world imagined by Ankama!

Dofus Touch re-launches with great fanfare before Unity

The re-launch of Dofus Touch will surprise you, and the content that Ankama has prepared for you will keep you busy for a long time. Old and new players alike are in for quite a challenge. With 10,000 maps to explore, from celestial islands to sewers, and as many cute creatures as you can beat up to become master of the universe, there's plenty to do.

Take part in tactical battles for up to 4 players, slash mobs in the dungeons and loot as much as you can. In-game, the economy is managed by players who take part in the auction house through their farming and complementary professions. The story is certainly one of the most complete of all MMOs. There's plenty of dialogue to choose from, plenty of humour and as many varied quests as you can discover.

The MMORPG, with its anime and cartoon graphics, offers an extremely vast universe for a phone title. Inspired by your nostalgic feelings and your first hours of gaming, this mobile version has broken away from Dofus PC with quality of life improvements, redesigns and a few new features. As a bonus, the game is completely translated in English, French and Spanish.

Trool Dofus nostalgia fair

The French servers will open at 10am on 3 April, without early access, all at the same time, like a human tide at the opening of the Trool fair, with no VIP pass or Premier Access ticket. Ecaflips, Srams, Osamodas and other characters are jostling for position at every Zaap. It's the big day. Everyone for themselves, or for their guild, and let the game begin!

And if you'd like to know more about the servers before then, it's over here.

Don't miss out on pre-registration for the Dofus Touch 2024 relaunch

Hold on tight, because it's going to be a bumpy ride. New players aren't just welcome; Ankama has thought up the re-launch for them and not just for the old hands, on permanent servers with a big community gathering. It's the ideal way to get started and live the Dofus adventure to the full.

To pre-register, go to this page. Simply enter your character's name, class and gender and select the server of your choice.

Pre-registration for the Dofus Touch relaunch

The first French Tiliwan-1 server is already full, thanks to the general enthusiasm, but there are still places available on Tiliwan-2 and Tiliwan-3. More than 45,000 players have already pre-registered to be among the first in the game and get the exclusive rewards Ankama has planned for them:

  • A "First!" title and an extra character slot (a great gift, so you don't have to buy it in-game)

  • 3x Sour Shigekax

  • 3x Mirabelle Shigekax

  • Familiar MD-12 (with a rather original design)

  • 5x Mimibiotes.

And if enough of you pre-register for the re-launch of Dofus Touch 2024, there could even be other gifts in stock... including a globetrotter's makeover and bag pack. There will also be Twitch drops from the launch of the Tiliwan servers on 3 April.

Major regions will be unlocked over time to allow everyone to have several rush phases at each zone opening, for example with Frigost 1 on 17 April.

Map Frigost server Tiwilan Dofus Touch

A complete, free-to-play and noob-friendly MMORPG on the phone

With over 8 million downloads to date on Android and iOS, the community for Ankama's mobile title is constantly buzzing, and there's a real buzz around the 2024 re-launch. It's a real pleasure for an MMO. Personally, I launched a month ago, and now I'm well and truly warmed up.

Map re-launch Dofus Touch mobile for pre-registration

Incidentally, for a mobile MMORPG, Dofus Touch's business model is pretty light. There are no ads or excessive shops. The experience is totally free-to-play, with an xp boost that you can buy with real money or in-game money that you can farm with your little hands. And the extra premium features are essentially shortcuts and a few cosmetics.

Even if you're a classic Dofus player, you might be persuaded. The classes have slightly unique spells, and the mobile version also features tactical mode, 3 room dungeons and access to the bank from anywhere in the world, for example.

In addition to the re-launch pre-registrations, Dofus Touch has prepared a number of new in-game features for 2024: the redesign of Astrub, the 1v1 Kolizeum, the redesign of the iop class, the redesign of the Grobe zone with level 200+ content.

Yaya Yaya would never have spent a single cent on a mobile game. At least, that's what the legend says.
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