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Blissey Pokémon Unite: an imminent release

Blissey Pokémon Output unit

Not all of the nearly 900 Pokémon should be included in the MOBA Pokémon Unite. On the other hand, we can expect Nintendo to honour the most iconic Pokémon of the licence to please a maximum of fans. After Pikachu, Blastoise, Gardevoir and Charizard, it is Blissey Pokémon Unite that is making its appearance on the battlefield.

This Pokémon is a must in the game, even if in the cartoon we see more often Chansey (his pre-evolution) in the centres Pokémon. On the other hand, in strategic competitions, Blissey has its place perfectly and has surely given nightmares to more than one player in the composition stall of hell.

Behind its cute appearance, Blissey promises to frustrate its opponents.

Which profile for Blissey Pokémon Unite?

It is unclear whether Blissey from Pokémon Unite will be as strong a pick as in the classic game. The developers seem to have emphasized his ability to heal and support his allies. Blissey will be able to restore life to his team members while increasing their attack speed. His ultimate skill "Bliss Assistance" also promises to offer a very interesting mechanic. Blissey will project itself towards an ally to protect him and absorb damage. The Pokémon infirmary will therefore have to be at least tanky to fit its altruistic profile!

Blissey Pokémon Unite will be released on 18 August 2021. You'd better save your Eos coins now, even if the exact price has not been leaked yet...

Which skills should be improved?

From the start of the game, Blissey Pokémon Unite will have access to two attacks. Pound, which will allow him to inflict some damage to the Pokémon neutrals in the jungle and Heal Pulse, which will heal one of his allies and himself. Afterwards, it is advisable to select the following attacks:

  • Helping Hand (level 4): boosts the attack speed and damage of an ally. Egg Bomb looks sexy on paper, but inflicting damage is not really the point of Blissey.
  • Heal Bell (level 6): An extremely strong skill that allows you to purge negative effects on your allies while protecting them from future crowd control. Soft-boiled could also be interesting for those who want to heal as much as possible, but Blissey already has another healing skill in its kit.
Focus Band Pokémon Unite

As far as objects are concerned, while waiting for more information, we advise you to invest in the Focus Band which will allow you to be more tanky.

Tipsalewo A cocktail of mobile gaming,esport and K-PoP. Not tryhard enough to become a pro player, I am content with being the minstrel who tells the stories.

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