How to play Mobile Games on PC?

how to play mobile games on pc

Do you dream of playing your favourite mobile RPGs on the big screen? Would you like to be able to play multiple accounts of your favourite gachas games at the same time? Well, we've got the solution!
It's simple, to play mobile games on a PC, all you need to do is download a piece of software known as an emulator.
It's fast, it's free, and it lets you play all your mobile games on a computer. We explain how it works in this full article!

What is a mobile game emulator for PC?

An emulator is a software that allows you to simulate the environment and behaviour of a device on another device. For example, in this case, to play mobile games on a PC, you need to simulate the Android environment of your smartphone on your computer. Do you follow?

bluestacks logo

To do this, we will use a specific software, an emulator. Among those on the market, Bluestacks is one of the best and one of the most powerful (moreover, it is very secure).
Concretely, thanks to a mobile game emulator on PC, you can play on your computer all the games (or almost!) that you have downloaded on your mobile.Download BlueStacks for Free

How to install an Android emulator for PC?

First of all, you should know that downloading and installing an Android emulator for PC is free. Most of the time, they are very simple to install and it will only take you a few minutes.
By the way, we regularly produce PC installation guides for the best games of the moment!

Here are the key steps to install BlueStacks (very simple!) :

  1. click on the button just above "Download BlueStacks";
  2. you arrive on the download page, click on the green "Download BlueStacks" button on the left;
download bluestacks 4
  1. the .exe file is downloaded, a window opens to ask you where to save it (choose your desktop, you can easily delete it once BlueStacks is installed);
  2. double-click on the "BlueStacksInstaller" icon on your desktop to install the emulator;
bluestacks installation icon
  1. the installation time can take several minutes. It takes time for the Android engine to run;
  2. BlueStacks opens automatically after the installation is complete.

The emulator then asks you to connect to your Google account so that it can retrieve your Android environment and all the games you have already downloaded.
Remember to connect to the account where you have your games.

How to find the best mobile game emulator?

As I said above, in the ranking of the best Android emulators for PC, BlueStacks comes out on top. To be sure to choose the emulator best suited to your needs, you should take a good look at the options it offers.
For example, on some games (strategy games, gacha games), it will be very useful to be able to take advantage of the multi-instance option to be able to launch several accounts simultaneously.

bluestacks multi-instances

Another way to play mobile games on PC is to turn to the game developers directly. To name just two, Plarium and X-Legends have developed their own emulators specifically for their mobile games.

Plarium Play logo

So you can play RAID: Shadow LegendsPlarium Play on the Plarium Play emulator and Aura Kingdoms 2 on the X-Legends emulator. These emulators have their limits because they do not allow you to play other games.
Except for Plarium Play, which allows you to play a few other strategy games developed by Plarium. But this is limited to their own designs.

logo x legends

What are the system requirements for playing mobile games on PC?

As with everything, there is a minimum and a recommended configuration. First of all, you should know that on most emulators, you can set many features and adapt the emulator's characteristics according to your PC's performance.

To help you optimize your BlueStacks emulator for your configuration, you can follow this handy optimization guide we've made.

Here is the recommended configuration (for truly optimal performance):

  • Operating system: Windows 10 or MacOs Sierra ;
  • Processor: Intel Core i5 with virtualization extension enabled in the BIOS;
  • graphics card: Intel/Nvidia/ATI ;
  • RAM: 6 GB or more ;
  • HDD: SSD (or fusion) ;
  • Up-to-date graphics drivers from Microsoft or the chipset vendor.
config pc fan

Of course, the more powerful your PC is, the better thegaming experience you will have. If you are in any doubt, you can check out the system requirements for Bluestacks 4 software.

You are now totally unbeatable on how to play mobile computer games! Now all you have to do is try it out! You'll see, there are hundreds of mobile games to download on PC!Download the BlueStacks emulator

Marjo Former editor-in-chief of and a real sniper of spelling mistakes. Very good audience, laughter is my fuel. Life is a game, isn't it!


My PC: i3 8th generation, Geforce 1060 GB, 16 GB DDR4 RAM but playing Summoners War, BlueStacks lag. Any advice?

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Have you looked at our guide to optimising BlueStacks? I would advise you to enable virtualization in your bios and for Summoners War, to check if you are using DirectX and not OpenGL.

Hopefully I've helped you! 🙂

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