Mobile games on PC

Mobile games on PC

Check out all our Android emulator tutorials and articles to play your favorite mobile games on your PC! Improve your performance and graphics for the best possible experience.

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Here you'll find all our guides to playing your mobile games on your PC, thanks to emulators! Emulation lets you enjoy better performance, while preserving your progress. How do you get started? We'll explain everything in this section!

How can I play mobile games on my PC?

The best way to play your favourite mobile game on a PC is to download an emulator, which is software that simulates a computer system. In other words, the emulator will create an environment similar to that of your smartphone, allowing you to launch your games in the same conditions as on your mobile. Honkai: Star Rail, Call of Duty Mobile... A whole host of titles can be emulated! So which emulator should you choose to play your mobile games on your PC? There are two solutions.

  • Play on your PC using an official emulator: some mobile games publishers, such as State of Survival, offer their own emulators. All you have to do is install the software on your computer, and you're ready to go!

  • Playing on a PC via an Android emulator: a range of Windows and MacOS-compatible software lets you download the game of your choice, such as Stormshot, Summoners War or Call of Dragons, from a Google Play page. This emulation solution is very popular with gamers. Note that there are also online Android emulators, available directly on your browser, without downloading.

Emulating your mobile games on your PC: what are the advantages?

  • Thanks to emulators, you can forget about battery problems: most recent mobile games, such as Genshin Impact, feature high-quality graphics. This can have an impact on the battery life of your smartphone. Playing mobile games on your PC helps to preserve battery life!

  • It'spossible to preserve your progress on a PC: thanks to emulation, you can switch from mobile to PC without difficulty, picking up your game exactly where you left off.

  • No need for a high-performance phone: play on your PC and enjoy its performance, as well as that of your emulator.

  • Don't be bothered by notifications or calls: mobile games emulation on your PC helps you stay focused!

Convinced by mobile games emulation on your PC? Check out our installation guides for all your favourite games!

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