
CastleStorm test: Our review about this mobile game

More info

CastleStorm - Free to Siege is a strategy game. The game was first published for PC and then ported to consoles, mobiles and tablets. The aim of this review is not to compare the console and PC versions, but to see how the game fits into the portable version. In CastleStorm - Free to Siege, you have to defend your castle against various enemies.


CastleStorm gameplay and world

CastleStorm - Free to Siege is similar to a tower defence game. You control a ballista, and you have to fire on the castle's attackers. But there's more to the game than just destruction. You'll be able to use various projectiles and summon magical powers. Basically, you have to defend your castle, or capture and destroy your opponent's castle. CastleStorm, with its very Warcraft-style graphics, takes its cues from angry birds and tower defence. The game itself doesn't revolutionise the world of video games, but it does impose its own style, with a very potty sense of humour throughout.

The various game modes in the campaigns include castle defence and conquest, and flag defence. Sometimes you'll also have to take on waves of enemies in an arena, armed with your sword or bow and your valiant hero. With its horizontal scrolling, the game is easy to get to grips with.

You'll have various units at your disposal to lead the assault on enemy castles: archers, soldiers, priests and the knight Gareth. All in all, CastleStorm is a good time. With 4 campaigns (3 of which you have to pay for), a castle editor and multiplayer CastleStorm - Free to Siege offers a good experience and a considerable lifespan, especially if you're always looking to reach new scores.


My verdict

Castlestorm is a hybrid of tower-defence, management and angry bird. It offers plenty of possibilities. What's more, its cartoon-warcraft atmosphere will delight your eyes.

CastleStorm test: Our review about this mobile game

Positive points

  • Visual cartoon-warcraft
  • Multiplayer
  • Chateau Editor

Negative points

  • The appeal of in-app purchases
  • May seem long at first
CastleStorm banner
  • Visual - 9
  • Playability - 8
  • Service life - 9
Tuor I like Espelette pepper, and writing articles.

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