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Summoners War: Lost Centuria
Summoners War: Lost Centuria
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Results of the World 100 Invitational on Lost Centuria

100 World Invitational results

The results of the World 100 Invitational are now in and this exhibition tournament lived up to its promise. It was a real marathon for the participants, but also for the audience. But with the succession of games and the multiple POVs available, we were able to get a very complete overview of the game a few days before its official release. Summoner Wars: Lost Centuria is shaping up to be a great game. With its combat system, intuitive interface and graphics, there is no shortage of reasons to embark on the adventure!

In terms of results, the American influencer FanHOTS won the World 100 Invitational. In the lead from the 1st to the 3rd Round, he kept the pace until the end and took the first place with 107 cumulative wins. He goes home with an honorary title, but also nearly 7,500 dollars in cash-prizes, which is always nice.

World 100 Invitational results: did the French perform?

France sent 5 representatives to this friendly competition. In a tournament with an uneven level that brought together a wide variety of profiles, some did better than others. Gob_GG, streamer and former semi-pro League of Legends player, has carried the colours of France and finished 3rd of the tournament with 87 cumulative wins. A renowned tryharder, he gave it his best shot, despite the early hour (5am French time). The other French riders did not lose out, but finished a little further down the ranking.

  • Skyyart : 30th with 51 cumulative wins
  • Junpei : 35th with 47 cumulative wins
  • KazuO : 38th with 44 cumulative wins
  • Dedefion : 66th with 33 cumulative wins

Of course, it is difficult to evaluate the playing time of each one and their personal investment. But they all seem to have enjoyed themselves and that was the most important thing! FanHOTS admitted that he had spent a lot of time in the training tool before the competition, which allowed him to define an optimal team with which he played almost the entire tournament.

100 World Invitational final results on stage

Summonner Wars: Lost Centuria, a future esport possible?

This was only an exhibition tournament, so it is still too early to say what the competitive future of Summoner Wars: Lost Centuria might be. But knowing the culture esport of South Korea and taking into account the existing competitive scene on Summoner Wars, the little brother should also get the adrenaline of competition. One thing is for sure, fans will be waiting for Com2uS.

The readability of the fights in the spectator mode still needs some work. Everything goes very fast and happens in real time, but it's still a bit difficult to follow... But it must be said that the game is still very new and that the community is not yet used to the different mechanics.

Tipsalewo A cocktail of mobile gaming,esport and K-PoP. Not tryhard enough to become a pro player, I am content with being the minstrel who tells the stories.

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