World of Warships submarines, the eagerly-awaited mobile novelty!

World of Warships submarines, the awaited novelty

Already deployed on PC, one feature is eagerly awaited on mobile: the arrival of World of Warships submarines. This new type of vessel enables much stealthier attacks, and brings a new dimension to combat. If these ships are not yet available on mobile.... Wargaming may be actively working on bringing World of Warships submarines to Android and iOS with its new Legends title. Let me introduce you to this feature on PC and smartphone, which is already delighting fans of these naval action games! 

The World of Warships submarine, master of stealth attacks

With the growing popularity of the license and the arrival on mobile of World of Warships: Legends, submarines bring a breath of fresh air (or rather, a current). Their functionalities enrich the gameplay, with acoustic torpedoes and sonar for optimal guidance.

Alternative torpedoes are not steerable, but offer the stealth to avoid detection by enemies. Of course, the submerged capability of World of Warships submarines makes them both stealthy and capable of heavy attack. On the other hand, if the submarine is hit by an enemy vessel, the blow may cause a fuel leak that can be detected on the surface.

Arrival of World of Warships submarines

An evolving offer to get World of Warships submarines

At present, only a few submarines are available on PC. German submersibles VI U-69 and VIII U-190, American VI Cachalot and VIII Salmon (available in sequential packs). World of Warships premium submarines such as the Japanese VIII I-56 or the Soviet VIII D-189 are also available in random packs. The same is likely to be true of the mobile version.

Get submarines WoW Wargaming

While the game mechanics are the same as on PC, you can obtain World of Warships submarines using submarine tokens. You can trade them in for prizes. These can be won in personal challenges, in exchange for community tokens... or in random lots if you get duplicates. 

A complementary offering to attract more players

If you're tempted by World of Warships submarines, this game is cross-platform. You can play it on iOS or Android, as well as on PS5, PS4, XBOX (One, X and S), Windows or Mac. You can play against players on all these platforms.

World of Warships submarine overview

World of Warships: Legends is the latest release from Wargaming. While it features the same interface and gameplay style as World of Warships: Blitz... it is designed to be faster and more fluid than its predecessor. It offers greater immersion and precision. We're particularly looking forward to discovering the submarines and exploring their aquatic depths! What's more, a temporary game mode has just arrived on all platforms: Brawl.

This battle with alternative rules grants bonuses to ships over short periods (4 days in each "season"). On June 19, main gun reloads are 20% faster, as are ship movements (20%) and torpedo tube reloads. As they say, World of Warships submarines are heavy stuff!

Hellfire If I were a Pokemon, I would be Jigglypuff. Cute, but slightly annoying! (Actually, I prefer Moltres).

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