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Waven Xelor Piku build: adapted spells, items and companions

Waven Xelor Piku build skin

The Xelor Pikuxala Hand is probably Waven's best class. But this class can be difficult to optimise for beginner players. So which Waven Xelor Piku build is best for using this class to its full potential? Follow this guide to find out.

How to build a good Waven Xelor Piku build?

As we explained in our Waven best class guide, the Xelor Pikuxala Hand inflicts damage around it after each teleportation. The Pikuxala's teleportation is therefore a super-powerful offensive tool, while at the same time allowing it to effectively avoid damage.

Stats of the Xelor Piku Waven build

A good Waven Xelor Piku build therefore starts by moving your opponents so that they are all in the same place. Then use teleportation spells to attack them all at the same time.

Our Waven Xelor Piku build

The aim of our Waven Xelor Piku build is to inflict maximum magical damage while repositioning opponents to hit them each time they teleport.

Spells to equip with the Xelor Piku build on Waven

The spells best suited to this build are teleportation and magical damage spells. These spells can be complex to play, but you can optimise them with a little practice.

Spell name Spell effect

Avatar of the Pikuxala Power spell for the Xelor Piku Waven build

Pikuxala Power

+50%ATTACK to your hero for the turn.

Avatar of the Necrome Fire spell for the Xelor Piku Waven build

Necrome Fire

Inflicts 14 magical HARM. FESTIN: +10% DRAIN to your hero for the round.

High Noon spell avatar for the Xelor Piku Waven build

High Noon

Inflicts 21 Magic HARM.

Compulsive Teleportation spell avatar for the Xelor Piku Waven build

Compulsive Teleportation

Inflicts 10 magic HARM and teleports your hero 2 squares.

Avatar of the Air Sinistro spell for the Xelor Piku Waven build

Air Sinistro

Builds an Air Sinistro up to 3 squares away from your hero OR Transforms your Air Sinistro into a Temporal Catalyst Sinistro.

Air dAlbuera spell avatar for the Xelor Piku Waven build

Albuera Air

Inflicts 9 magic HARM. ASCENSION: Repels the target by 2 squares.

Necrome Breath spell avatar for the Xelor Piku Waven build

Necrome Breath

Moves the target 1 square. FESTIN: Inflicts 4 magic HARM.

Avatar of the Pikuxala Leap spell for the Xelor Piku Waven build

Pikuxala Leap

Teleports one of your characters 1 square and then teleports them to their start-of-turn square.

Destabilisation spell avatar for the Xelor Piku Waven build


Swaps your hero's position with that of one of your Sinistros. Pick your next Sinistro spell.

In addition to these spells, our Waven Xelor Piku build needs the special skills Pikuxala Instability and Pikuxala Mastery, which addattack and mobility.

Items to equip with Xelor Pikuxala Hand

For this Waven Xelor Piku build, we've chosen a Toross build, based around teleportation and collision. The Mazo Ring and Flutterfly Ring allow you to play more spells in the event of a collision. As for the Cicatrisor, it compensates for the lack of defence in the Xelor Piku Waven build by adding life to it.

Item name Item effect

Avatar of Toross Shame for the Xelor Piku Waven build

Toross Shame

ATTACK: Adds the Flux of Toross spell to your hand.

Lanneau Mazo's avatar for the Xelor Piku Waven build

Mazo Ring


Avatar of lanneau Papyon for the Xelor Piku Waven build

Flutterfly Ring

COLLISION: Draw 1 spell.

Scarifyer avatar for the Xelor Piku Waven build


Start of turn: Your hero heals 50% of his attack.

Toross Index avatar for the Xelor Piku Waven build

Toross Index

When you spend a gauge: +5%ATTACK to your hero.

The companions of our Waven Xelor Piku build

Like our Iop Justelame build, this Waven Xelor Piku build uses utility companions to draw additional spells. The Offended Oracle completes this build by allowing you to move opponents around to group them more easily.

Companion name Companion effect

Decrepit Champion companion avatar for the Xelor Piku Waven build

Decrepit Champion

APPEARANCE: Swaps position with your hero. Draw 1 spell.

Avatar of the companion Shushire for the Xelor Piku Waven build


APPEARANCE: -1 ACTION POINT to the cost of the spells in your hand.

Lou's companion avatar for the Xelor Piku Waven build


MOTION: Draw 3 spells costing 3 ACTION POINTS.

Avatar of the Offended Oracle companion for the Xelor Piku Waven build

Offended Oracle

ATTACK: Move 2 squares.

Now all you have to do is try out this Waven Xelor Piku build! Feel free to modify it with the objects and companions you prefer, as long as you remain synergistic with the principle of this class. And if teleporting the Xelor Piku Waven build becomes too easy for you, check out our upcoming Waven tips and tricks to discover new builds!

Mr Cold
Mr Cold As a writer for comics and video games, I like to spend hours playing on my sofa. Of course, the only reason I do this is to “find inspiration for my work”.
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