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Next Monopoly GO partner event: date and tips

Next Monopoly Go partner event

The famous Monopoly GO game attracts thousands of players thanks to its modernity and originality. Although the game is mainly played solo, you can sometimes play with friends. And how do you do that? Thanks to partner events. Want to know the date of the next Monopoly GO partner event? Or would you like some tips and tricks on how to get the most out of it? Take advantage of our tips to help you get ready, and in the meantime, check out our list of Monopoly Go free dice links to earn Rewards.

What is the partner event on MOGO?

The partner event on MOGO is a game mode that allows you to play cooperatively with other players or with your friends. The principle is relatively simple. You and your friends will have to build a number of buildings on your board.

To build and improve them, you need to spin a wheel to earn points. According to the latest partner events, it takes around 80,000 points to complete a building. For each building, you play in cooperation with a partner. This means that two of you will earn points to build and improve the buildings.

Next partner event Monopoly Go game board

To make the wheel turn, you need to earn event tokens. You can get them by collecting them from the board or by winning them in certain events.

During the partner event, a progress bar fills up as you go along. When you reach certain levels, you can win prizes. When you finish a building completely, you get the first prize, and when you build all four buildings, you get the grand prize!

Date of the next Monopoly GO partner event

First of all, you need to understand that partner events don't happen very often. On average, they're held once a month. The date of the next Robo Partners event has been announced: it will take place on May 16, 2024 at 2:30 pm, and end on May 21, 2024 at 11:59 pm.

To give you a better idea of how often this type of event takes place, here are the dates of the last ones that took place in the game:

  • Fountain Partners: from 06 to 11 April 2024
  • Parade Partners: 26 April to 1 May 2024

Preparing for the partner event on MOGO

Partner events on MOGO are not open to all players. In fact, there is one prerequisite:

  • You must have access to the 5th board in the game.

If you've unlocked the 5th board, then you'll automatically be able to take part in the next Monopoly Go partner event.

Our tips for the next Monopoly GO partner event

Do you want to be ready for the next Monopoly GO partner event ? If so, here are a few tips to help you prepare.

Be cooperative with your partner

As we explained earlier, for each building, you need to play with a partner. In order to optimise your expenditure and win prizes more quickly, we recommend that you build a building with two people in a balanced way. For example, if you need 80,000 points to build a building, you should each spend 40,000 points.

Next partner event Monopoly Go game

Take part in as many events as possible on Monopoly GO

To get event tokens to spin the wheel, you can fall on certain squares on the board to collect some of them. However, during the partner event, if you take part in the other events in progress, you can earn points for the wheel. So don't hesitate to take part in as many events as possible.

Be patient to collect your quick wins and free gifts

If you're used to playing Monopoly GO, you'll certainly know that you can collect quick wins (which change every day at 3pm). So be patient and don't collect them until the partner event has started. That way, you'll get a few event pawns. The same goes for the free gift in the shop, which is reset every 8 hours. Once again, wait for the event to start before picking it up.

Now you know everything about partner events on MOGO! Don't hesitate to check out our Monopoly GO tips and tricks!

Christelle B.
Christelle B. A writer with a passion for video games and manga. When I'm not playing, I'm in the middle of writing a novel.
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