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Freya Mobile Legends: Best Build and Skills

freya mobile legends

Freya, the Valkyrie, is one of the strongest fighters in Mobile Legends. She is also the only hero in MLBB that can be purchased using Diamonds. That alone should be the proof that Freya is an underrated Queen. But what secrets lie behind her legendary prowess? Join us as we go through Freya Mobile Legends gameplay and special features. We’ll also discuss the best Builds and Skills that you can use to master Freya.

Is Freya Mobile Legends Good?

Freya, wielding her short sword and Shield, poses a threat to all in the battlefield. Hailing from Northern Vale, the Valkyrie boasts high damage and attack speed, quickly melting down enemies in mere seconds. But she is particularly vulnerable to Crowd Control heroes.

Freya in Mobile Legends

If you notice that the enemy team has Crowd Control heroes or Tanks, it’s best to avoid picking Freya. However, if you decide to pick her, be strategic. Look for opportunities to ambush the enemies after they have used their crowd control abilities.

Freya Mobile Legends build: best equipment

Even though Freya is a hero that relies on her Basic Attack, you don’t need to prioritize items that increase attack speed. Instead, the goal should be to get high Physical Damage and Crit chance. That is because her passive increases the attack speed of her Basic Attack upon each skill cast. With a proper equipment, you can get rank up in no time.

Freya's Build, Battle Spell, and Emblem Set

Below is the best build and equipment for maximizing Freya Mobile Legends potential.




Warrior Boots / Tough Boots

Warrior Boots / Tough Boots

While playing as Freya, prioritize either Warrior Boots or Tough Boots. Warrior Boots provide defense against Physical Heroes, whereas Tough Boots provide resistance against Magic Damage heroes.

Blade of Despair

Blade of Despair

Blade of Despair has the highest Physical Attack among all items. It synergizes well with Freya’s high attack speed, with which she can swiftly defeat any enemies.

Haas's Claw

Haas's Claw

Haas’s Claw enhances Freya Mobile Legends’ combat abilities by providing attack speed, crit damage, and life steal.

Berserker's Fury

Berserker's Fury

The Berserker’s Fury provides extra Physical Attack and Crit Chance. Each of Freya’s Basic Attack will now deal double damage with Crit Chance.

Endless Battle

Endless Battle

As you’ll be spamming 2nd Skill most of the time, Endless Battle is a great choice. For each skill cast, it deals a portion of your Physical Attack as true damage, with a short 1.5s cooldown.

Great Dragon Spear

Great Dragon Spear

Freya’s lack of mobility can be answered with the Great Dragon Spear. Whenever you turn Freya into a Valkyrie using her Ultimate, the Great Dragon Spear will give her extra mobility for a short duration, allowing you to chase enemies running away.

For a complete build, you’d need to have Battle Spell and Emblem Set that complement the build. Here are the Battle Spell and Emblem Set that you can have on Freya Mobile Legends.

Battle Spell

Although Jungle Freya is as viable, it’s better to use Freya as a Fighter. As a Fighter, you can use Inspire, or Flicker on Freya.

  • Inspire: Inspire increases Freya’s already high Attack Speed for a few seconds to enhance her damage output.

  • Flicker: Use Flicker to chase down enemies or to escape in bad situations. It is a great tool for both offense and defense.

Emblem Set

  • Custom Assassin Emblem: The Assassin Emblem is a great choice for Freya. It enhances her Physical PEN, Attack and Movement Speed.

  • Talents: Choose Fatal, Weapon Master, and Lethal Ignition to increase Freya’s already high damage output.

How to play Freya Mobile Legends Bang Bang?

Ready to unleash Freya Mobile Legends’ full potential? Once you master her skills, victory will be within your grasp. But wait, before you jump into fights, you should understand how to play Freya effectively. Here is a breakdown of Freya’s abilities.

Freya's skill set in Mobile Legends

Power of Einherjar – Passive

Every time you cast a skill; it increases the Attack Speed of Basic Attacks. The passive can hold up to 6 stacks.

Each Basic Attack gives you 1 stack of Sacred Orb that enhances Freya’s skills.

Leap of Faith – 1st Skill

Using the skill, Freya Mobile Legends jumps forward (or back, if you’re running away), dealing damage to enemies that are hit.

Spirit Combo – 2nd Skill

The 2nd skill is your bread and butter. It deals damage to the enemies, while giving you a small shield. All that on top of the Basic Attack’s stacks. You can cast this skill indefinitely if you don’t let go to CD.

Valkyrie Descent – Ultimate

When you cast the Ultimate, Freya becomes a Valkyrie. She gains extra Physical Attack and her Basic Attacks become ranged.


Freya’s passive ability allows her to dominate the Exp Lane, without even building attack speed items. The combination of high damage and fast Basic Attacks makes Freya Mobile Legends one of the strongest fighters in 1v1. As long as there aren’t any CC heroes in the enemy team, she can jump into team fights to dominate the battlefield.

For her combo, we recommend that you start with the 1st skill to close the gap to the enemy. Follow with Basic Attacks, then use the 2nd skill and then continue with Basic Attacks. If overwhelmed or if the enemy is running away, you can use the Ultimate skill to turn her into a Valkyrie, the powerful fighter in Norse Mythology.

Combo Sequence: 1st -> Basic Attack -> 2nd -> 2x Basic Attack -> Ultimate -> Basic Attack

Freya Counter Mobile Legends

Just like any other hero, Freya Mobile Legends has heroes she excels against and those who counter her effectively. If you're here to learn how to counter Freya in Mobile Legends or versus who Freya's strong, here's your answer :

Best pick vs Freya

Freya excels against a variety of heroes. Here are the heroes she can be deadly against:

  • Marksmen

  • Mages

  • Squishy Fighters

  • Assassins

Worst pick vs Freya

While playing as Freya, there are certain heroes that can counter her.

  • Khufra

  • Esmeralda

  • Phoveus

  • Minsitthar

  • Tanks with Crowd Control abilities

Who is Freya in Mobile Legends?

Freya hails from the Northern Vale region of the Land of Dawn. Initially, it was Freya’s sister Skuld, the bravest and strongest female warrior of the tribe who was a Valkyrie. But she disappeared into the Twilight Orb after Freya Mobile Legends activated it by accident.

Before vanishing into the Twilight Orb, Skuld entrusted her sword and shield to Freya. Riddled with guilt, Freya took the sword and shield and trained to become a Valkyrie, continuing her sister’s legacy. She watches over the Northern Vale, to guard it against foes that try to disrupt the peace.

That concludes our Freya Mobile Legends guide. If you have been hovering over Freya in character selection, then maybe now is the time to start mastering her. She is a powerful Fighter, who can easily turn the tide of battle.

Did you enjoy going through our guide on Freya’s Best Build and Equipment? If so, consider checking our Mobile Legends tips and tricks.

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