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Dislyte Staff of Immortality: Coin Shop | The Lone Star Event

Dislyte Staff of Immortality in the Lone Star event

It's been a few days now since the first big event of Dislyte is available under the name of The Lone Star. It allows you to collect ancient coins and Oasis crests. Via the shop where you can exchange these famous coins, you can obtain the Dislyte Staff of Immortality. As there is no preview of this reward and it costs 1000 coins, I am making this article for you to decide!

Staff of Immortality in the Coin Shop

What is the Dislyte Staff of Immortality?

The Staff of Immortality is actually just a Dislyte profile banner! Like what you can get when you buy the Welcome Pack III. However, unlike this one, the event banner is not animated. Here's a preview of what you'll get when you exchange it for coins.

Dislyte Staff of Immortality Banner
Profile banner
Staff of Immortality business card
Business card (Club)

Is it cost-effective to get this banner?

The Dislyte Staff of Immortality banner costs 1000 ancient coins in the event shop. On paper, you can take 2 gold discs or a legendary abilimon/starimon (rough coin count). Personally, I regret having taken this banner but it was for a good cause! If the banner had been animated, then it would have been "profitable" but as it is, it is not for me unless you have a big crush on its design but that is not my case.

So now you know everything about the Lone Star event banner in Dislyte. I hope that my sacrifice has at least been useful and saved you the expense of old coins unnecessarily!

Good to know: To get the most out of Dislyte with better graphics and performance, you can play Dislyte on PC!

Hakio Co-founder of Mobi.gg and passionate about virtual worlds of all kinds. It seems that Try Hard is also part of his vocabulary.

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