You'll encounter 4 bosses in AFK Journey's Dream Realm, one of whom is the Skyclops, whose special ability is to summon small winged creatures. To defeat him, you'll need to put together the AFK Journey Skyclops best team. We suggest one team for the early game, and two teams adapted to the current meta for the late game.
The character you position in the frontline as the tank will be targeted by the boss throughout the fight. In the early game, you can choose any tank. However, it's best to opt for a more aggressive strategy, as your tank won't be able to inflict enough damage.
Here's the AFK Journey Skyclops best team, if you're just starting out:
Smokey & Merky play both tank and DPS roles in our suggested team. We'd also recommend equipping yourself with the Awakening artefact to benefit from extra healing and give yourself the best chance of seeing the fight through to the end.
To maximise your chances of beating the boss, don't forget to take advantage of the faction bonus for this AFK Journey Skyclops best team in the early game.
AFK Journey Skyclops best team: optimal compos for the current meta
For the late game, and according to the current meta, we strongly advise you to use the best DPS in your roster, with the highest level of rarity, coupled with a buffer capable of maximising its damage. As with the early game, keep in mind the advantage offered by the faction bonus!
With each team for the Skyclops AFK Journey, give priority to the Steellar Shard Spell artefact .
First meta team for Skyclops in late game
Smokey & Meerky
Here, Odie can be replaced by Scarlita, capable of inflicting more AoE damage, allowing you to eliminate the creatures summoned by the Skyclops more quickly.
Kruger can also be replaced by Cassadee, provided you've built her beforehand.
Second meta team for Skyclops in the late game
Smokey & Meerky
This second team requires Reinier in Mythic+. Odie can also replace Scarlita, provided you have built her before hand.
Strategy for beating the Skyclops in AFK Journey
At the start of the fight, the Skyclops will target the character taking the place of the tank to inflict bursts of damage. As well as summoning creatures that will target the rest of your team and increase the Cyclops' damage, the boss will also generate a laser beam, creating massive damage. This laser can easily wipe out your entire team, so it's essential to take constant care of yourself in the early game.
Having a buffer in your team is essential, especially as there will be no ulti interruption during this fight. This way, you can increase your damage over time.
In between boss battles on Bloodborne or Dark Souls III, our editor-in-chief Platypousse likes to look after her plants and watch an episode of Moomins under a blanket.