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King Croaker AFK Journey: best team comps

AFK Journey King Croaker best team

The King Croaker is one of the 4 bosses available in AFK Journey's Dream Realm. A formidable character, he's capable of instantly annihilating one of your frontline characters with an Instakill bubble, as well as consuming his energy to ward off all attacks with his ulti. To beat him, you'll need to put together the AFK Journey King Croaker best team. Here are our recommended teams for the early game and the late game.

AFK Journey King Croaker best team in early game

To create the best early-game King Croaker team, the choice of tank is essential. If you're lucky enough to have Brutus and Thoran in the early game, don't hesitate to use them together!

Here's the AFK Journey King Croaker best team, if you're just starting out:

Recommended heroes Role Alternatives

Brutus AFK Journey


  • Thoran

Lyca AFK Journey


Debuffer / DPS
  • Thoran
  • Kruger
  • Koko
  • Fay
  • Cassadee

Rowan AFK Journey


Support / Buffer
  • Cécia
  • Lyca
  • Cassadee
  • Damian
  • Koko
  • Hewynn

Smokey & Meerky AFK Journey

Smokey & Meerky

Healer / Buffer
  • Rowan
  • Thoran
  • Hewynn

Odie AFK Journey


  • Cécia
  • Marilee
  • Cassadee

In addition to the recommended team below, equip yourself with the Awakening artefact. This is the best early game artefact, as it will allow you to survive a little longer during the boss fight.

AFK Journey King Croaker best team early game

To get the most out of your King Croaker AFK Journey team in the early game, don't forget the notion of faction bonuses: with at least 3 characters from the same faction, you'll enjoy significant advantages in combat.

AFK Journey King Croaker best team: optimal comps for the current meta

In the late game, there are two possible options given the current meta: one favours Kruger, the other Reinier Mythic+ for more damage and debuff (provided you opt for the placement suggested below). With each team for the King Croaker AFK Journey, opt for the Starshard Spell artefact .

First meta team for King Croaker in late game

  • Thoran
  • Kruger
  • Smokey & Meerky
  • Marilee
  • Odie

Team meta for King Croaker

In this configuration, you can replace Odie with Korin, and Kruger with Cassadee, who will inflict magic damage and debuffs on the boss.

Second meta team for the King Croaker in late game

  • Thoran
  • Reinier Mythic+
  • Smokey & Meerky
  • Marilee
  • Odie

AFK Journey King Croaker best team in the meta

Strategy for beating the King Croaker in AFK Journey

At the start of the fight, King Croaker will focus your team's tank and inflict maximum damage. The rest of your team in the backlane will also suffer AoE damage from time to time. King Croaker's most devastating attack is his Instakill bubbles, aimed at the hero closest to him (the tank).

That's why it's vital to position your characters correctly, but also to have constant care to ward off AoE damage, which can disintegrate your entire backlane. The choice of tank is also very important. Brutus and Thoran are the best options. The latter is capable of withstanding King Croaker's Instakill bubbles thanks to his trumpet-of-death ability. To apply maximum damage quickly, you also need a good debuffer, like Kruger, Lyca or Reinier.

You now have all the information you need to create the AFK Journey King Croaker best team and triumph over this Dream Realm boss.

Platypousse In between boss battles on Bloodborne or Dark Souls III, our editor-in-chief Platypousse likes to look after her plants and watch an episode of Moomins under a blanket.
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