Register for the upcoming test The Division Resurgence this summer

Upcoming The Division Resurgence mobile beta on Android and iOS

This Thursday evening, Ubisoft celebrated the universe of one of its flagship licenses with its Division Day Stream on Youtube and on Twitch. During this live stream, we learned that the next beta test The Division Resurgence on Android and iOS will take place this summer. In addition, the studio went over the major gameplay elements of the mobile game in a short recap video. We take a look at everything we know about The Division mobile and how to sign up for The Division Resurgence beta.

The Division Resurgence content on mobile

In the Division Day live stream, Ubisoft reminded us that, starting with the beta, The Division Resurgence is intended to have the full scope of a normal game in the franchise. Players who are selected to participate will be able to play through a campaign, single-player sections and co-op sections. Through the main story of the campaign, we will discover the events that occurred between The Division and The Division 2. In addition, the content will be completed with new signature weapons, new gadgets and new enemy factions.

Here is the announcement video with the exact section timecode for The Divison Resurgence and its beta this summer.

New phase of test The Division mobile on Android and iOS

For those who have been following the game for a while, it's safe to say that this isn't exactly a huge announcement. Many players have already participated in the previous beta phase or are already on the list of potential testers and are just waiting to be selected. For the moment, no precise date for the next beta has been announced.

So, if you haven't already signed up, you can click on the link at the top of the article to sign up for the upcoming beta of The Division Resurgence or scan the QR code below. In addition to getting a chance to test The Division mobile early during its beta, you'll get a special outfit when the game is released if you sign up now.

Beta The Division Resurgence QR Code registration

Along with the announcements about the upcomingtest of the Division Resurgence, Ubisoft has unveiled details about the 5th year of The Division 2, a new trailer Cinematic of Heartland and virtual products derived from the universe. By the way, you will get special rewards if you own 2 or 3 of these games at the same time.

Rewards connected Division Day Stream

The complete information is available in the video above. As soon as we have a precise date for The Division Resurgence beta, you'll know it on!

Yaya Yaya would never have spent a single cent on a mobile game. At least, that's what the legend says.

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