King, the studio behind Candy Crush Saga and its many variations, is breaking new ground with Rebel Riders release. So fire up the engines and get ready to take on players from all over the world at the wheel of your destructive cars. We reveal our Rebel Riders first impressions.
Explosions and vehicles
With Rebel Riders release, King radically changes the style of play. Gone is the strategy and in is the combat in this game which offers PvP confrontations in the spirit of Brawl Stars, with the difference that the heroes are replaced by vehicles.
Each vehicle has its own characteristics. While some are slow, but hit their targets at long range like the Boomer, others will be faster and more manoeuvrable, but only attack in close combat like the Lazer Strike.
By completing daily and weekly missions, such as eliminating 10 enemies with a specific vehicle or winning two matches in a game mode, you earn points and money to upgrade your vehicles. You can also unlock different drivers, but this choice has no influence on the gameplay.
Game modes available at Rebel Riders release
Among the different game modes present at Rebel Riders release, we could test :
Team death match: the first team to 10 eliminations wins the game.
Cash in: The first team to bring 10 coins to their base wins the game.
Toy Battle: 10 players battle it out in a Battle Royale until there is only one survivor left.
Bombing the base: The first team to detonate 3 bombs on the opponent's base wins the match.
While the game modes do not change, there is a daily maps rotation. From what we could see, all of them are located in New York, such as Under the Manhattan Bridge, South Bronx, Lower East Gardens or Lower East Roofs.
Rebel Riders is currently only available in certain regions of the world, however, you can still download it from TapTap if you don't want to wait for iOS and Android official release.
That's it for our first impressions of Rebel Riders release. We are pleasantly surprised by this easy to pick up game with dynamic gameplay. This is all the more surprising coming from King, who is successfully stepping out of his comfort zone for the first time. Let's hope the title benefits from regular updates to add new content, but this title is very promising.
Do you think it will be released on IOS?
Yes, it is in soft launch on Android and iOS and has been playtested this summer!