Little Nightmares mobile release date pushed back by Playdigious

Little Nightmares mobile release date pushed back on Android and iOS

Specialized in quality ports of video games to mobile format, the French studio Playdigious has nothing to prove in this field. It is therefore with a slight disappointment that we welcome the announcement of the postponed release date of Little Nightmares on Android and iOS. If you don't know this horror and adventure game as adorable as it is terrifying, put on your yellow raincoat and take the time to discover it while waiting for more news about the port.

Playdigious pushes back the release date of Little Nightmares on Android and iOS despite players' impatience

With the release of Little Nightmares mobile, your childhood fears will come to life directly on your phone. However, you'll have to wait a little longer to be able to test the port of this game that has become cult due to its artistic direction and its chilling atmosphere. The title first announced in September 2022 will finally be released later in 2023. Even if this is bad news for the most impatient among you, the delay in access to the game on the calendar is reasonable.

This delay in the release date of Little Nightmares on mobile was announced via an official tweet.

In the message from Playdigious, we can read that the studio is asking players to be patient while it polishes the game as the title deserves. The final release date of Little Nightmares mobile will be announced by Playdigious as soon as the development has reached a satisfactory stage to consider a smooth launch. To make sure you don't miss any news about the game, follow the official website of the game and the news.

Screenshot gameplay Little Nightmares Android and iOS

Discovering a horror game like no other

Little Nightmares is a pocket horror game in which you play as a child on a haunted ship. Mixing puzzle phases and a narrative journey in the depths of the ship, this title is asserted by its artistic direction as well as its sound design and its very worked atmosphere. In contrast, the child in his yellow raincoat on dark scenery is both poetic and disturbing. And it's even worse when hands reach out to you in the dark to grab your little body!

The whole world seems to want to eat you, but underneath those strange appearances, the world of Little Nightmares holds other secrets aboard its infernal ship. As for the release of the Little Nightmares mobile port, the quick controls and easy handling of the original game will be perfectly suited to this phone version.

Little Nightmares mobile release date delayed

Beyond the controls, there are also the game sensations which are sometimes more difficult to transcribe on this support and the multiple hardware compatibilities which probably require more work than expected for Playdigious. While waiting for the release date of Little Nightmares on Android and iOS, discover other mobile puzzle games in our dedicated category or rediscover the unmissable Myst in its mobile version.

Yaya Yaya would never have spent a single cent on a mobile game. At least, that's what the legend says.

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