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Blastoise and Gardevoir soon on Pokémon Unite

Blastoise Pokémon Unit

Mobile gamers are eagerly awaiting the release of Pokémon Unite on phones after its arrival on Switch. While many French streamers have decided to get into it (Gotaga, Ponce, Étoile, Xari...), this MOBA is becoming more and more popular with the general public. It does not lack arguments to seduce and offers a very accessible game experience. You don't need dozens of hours of theory to understand the game's principle: the games are very fast-paced, with lots of fighting and very limited downtime. But the newcomer can also count on its very rich universe that attracts many nostalgic players. The community is happy to see their favourite Pokémon again. Although not all of them have been integrated into the game yet, players will soon be able to play as Blastoise Pokémon Unite. A final evolution of one of the first generation starters (Carapuce) that is surely one of the most iconic Pokémon in the license.

An initial list of twenty or so playable Pokémon

List of playable Pokémon in Pokémon Unite
What is your favourite Pokémon in Pokémon Unite?

For the moment, players can only play as about twenty Pokémon. The latter fill very specific roles and belong to categories: Attacker, Defender, Supporter, Speedster, All-rounder. There are some very popular Pokémon such as the inevitable Pikachuthe twirling Greninja or the Charizard the all-rounders. But the developers didn't just do fan service, since less popular Pokémon like Crustle and Cramorant are also part of the basic roster. Fans are still wondering where Blastoise went in Pokémon Unite.

This is also the beauty of Pokémon Unite. Officially, all Pokémon are playable and can make their way into the metagame with their unique profile. This should allow the unloved ones to regain their reputation and finally be in the spotlight. Crustle is currently probably the best of the Pokémon and many Tier List pay tribute to it.

The absence of Blastoise Pokémon Unite: an anomaly soon to be corrected

The new best Pokémon defender?

Many fans were surprised by the absence of Blastoise Pokémon Unite in the core list. While Charizard and Venusaur are included, the third starter of the first generation was missing. However, this anomaly will soon be corrected. The developers have revealed that very soon, Blastoise and Gardevoir will be included in the game. Other additions will come regularly, but there is still room to see all the little monsters (only 898) in the MOBA.

Tipsalewo A cocktail of mobile gaming,esport and K-PoP. Not tryhard enough to become a pro player, I am content with being the minstrel who tells the stories.

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