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More info

Deployment of the new update (Version 2.0.8)

Deployment of the new update (Version 2.0.8)

Addition of SVIP

- When you reach VIP Level 10, you can continue to use VIP Points to upgrade your VIP to SVIP
- When you reach SVIP Level 1, you will need to use SVIP Points to upgrade your SVIP Level
- SVIP Lords will be able to earn SVIP Points at rewards or in the Shop
- SVIP includes all the benefits of VIP10
- As you progress through the SVIP Levels, you will receive more and more valuable benefits
- Lords who wish to activate SVIP can use SVIP Points to activate it. VIP Points can also activate the SVIP, but the duration of the SVIP will be reduced.

The Legendary Alliance Event (iOS sync)

- This is an event for all Alliances
- All Alliance Members will have to cooperate with each other to complete the missions to earn points.
- All Members will receive rewards when the Alliance reaches the target points
- All Alliances will participate in this competition to win the rewards leaderboard

Addition of New Technologies concerning the Equipment* (iOS synchronisation)

- Added a Technology to increase the forging speed of the Workshop
- Added a Technology to increase the Steel obtained from the Fountain of Wishes
- Added a Technology to improve the attributes of Dragon Gear and Dragon Glasses

Optimisation of the Alliance

- The Alliance Leader may remove certain rights from R1 and R2 Members to protect certain Alliance information
- The Alliance Leader can recommend an Alliance Technology to encourage Members to donate to that Technology
- Optimisation of Battle History (iOS synchronisation)
- Viewing connected members in the Alliance Member Interface
- The Alliance Shop List will now show the number of items already in the shop

Start of the Australian National Day Event

- You will receive Koala Miniatures by collecting Resources in your Castle and in the Kingdom
- Use Koala Miniatures to receive important rewards
- You will have a chance to get a Mystery Chest and a Key
- Use the Key to open the Mystery Chest and receive important rewards


- If you end your Peace Shield with an offensive action (spying or attacking), you will be penalised
- Added a feature that allows you to choose between the Troops and the Castle when they are stacked
- The Dragon's Campaign has been extended to Kingdom 1,000
- Chat messages change with an extended press (iOS only)
- Removed the "Invite Players" button in Brotherhood

Hakio Co-founder of and passionate about virtual worlds of all kinds. It seems that Try Hard is also part of his vocabulary.

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