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Catalyst Black: Super Evil Megacorp's MOBA released

Catalyst Black released on Android and iOS

After the success of Vainglory, the Super Evil Megacorp studio is back in the MOBA genre with the release of Catalyst Black on iOS and Android. We tell you all about our first impressions of this arena shooter that adds a bit of originality to an already established formula.

A MOBA unlike any other

Where Catalyst Black stands out from other MOBAs is in the management of its arsenal. Indeed, although there are different skins available for your character, they do not have any particular skills.

However, not all players fight on equal terms, as your equipment is fully customisable. In your arsenal, you must choose your main weapon, which can be a shotgun, sniper, assault rifle or even a flamethrower.

Add to this a heavy weapon, whose ammunition can be recovered during the game, an ability (attack, healing, teleportation), as well as a jewel and a relic that provide various bonuses.

Finally, your mask is your ultimate skill. It allows you to transform into a Catalyst Black Primitive, which has a specific power and a large amount of health and damage. When your primitive is defeated, you return to your original form and continue the fight. The cooldown to be able to transform again can be reduced by collecting certain items that appear on the map.

Catalyst Black release : arsenal

Each piece of equipment has its own level, rarity rank and passive skills.

Game modes at the release of Catalyst Black

To vary the fun and suit different player profiles, there are several game modes present at the release of Catalyst Black:

  • Clash: Compete against your opponents in 5-on-5 arena battles. The first team to reach 25 elimination points wins the match.
  • Hydra: In this game mode, you have 3 methods to win: collect 20 fragments and bring them back to the central Harvester, eliminate each opposing player 3 times or defeat the enemy observer, the equivalent of the Nexus in LoL: Wild Rift.
  • Colossal Trials: This is the only PvE game mode available at the moment in which you have to eliminate as many monsters as possible in cooperation with other players.
  • Twilight: Collect victories by taking control of an ancient fortress in this 3 vs 3 ranked mode to earn points and climb the leaderboard. Indeed, Catalyst Black was designed to be competitive from the start.
  • Capture flags: Collect cores by eliminating enemy guards while protecting your own.
Catalyst Black release: game modes

For the moment, we don't have much to reproach Catalyst Black, apart from a few connection losses that send you back to the main menu with no way of reintegrating the game in progress. The title is promising but its very competitive aspect requires the community to follow suit to make it interesting in the long term. So it will be up to the people to decide!

Now you know everything about the release of Catalyst Black, available now on iOS and Android. An easily accessible game, but with a huge progression curve thanks to its strategic aspect. I strongly advise you to go and test it! To discover other MOBAs, and arena shooters I redirect you to our Top of the best MOBAs on mobile.

Alco A fan of video games, SF, comics, cinema and new technologies, he is a bit of a geek cliché, but he assumes it.

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