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Summoners War: Lost Centuria
Summoners War: Lost Centuria
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The SW beta: Lost Centuria is here, get out your mobiles!

Beta Summoners War: Lost Centuria

As announced earlier this month, the open beta for Summoners War: Lost Centuria is finally available on Google Play! What a thrill today for Summoners War fans with a new game from Com2uS on the same day as the SWC 2020 final.

If you're an iOS player, you'll have to be patient because the beta, which runs from November 21 to 30, is only available to Android players.

As far as gameplay is concerned, what does this SW: Lost Centuria ?

Like any good SW fan, I didn't wait to jump on the opportunity and venture into Lost Centuria. For me, it's a nice discovery of monsters revisited with a more realistic and less manga style than its big brother.

Gameplay SW: Lost Centuria

In the gameplay, we find a mix of several big licenses like Clash Royale with a card system that we must increase and then use during the real-time fights against the opponents compositions . Beware, it is not enough to click at any time because you or your opponent can counter the enemy attack with your cards!

Summoners War runes info: Lost Centuria

We also find SW mechanics with runes (3 instead of 6 per monster) and skill stones. Here, monsters have only one skill left but generally, Com2uS has kept the skill that makes the reputation of the monster in question on Summoners War.

Official release date of Summoners War: Lost Centuria

At the moment, the official release date for Summoners War: Lost Centuria is February 2021. No exact day has been communicated by Com2uS yet. However, given the progress of the game during this open beta, we can hope for a launch very soon!

bronze rank Summoners War: Lost Centuria

I hope I've made you want to play this new game in the SW universe, and I for one am going back to climbing the SW leaderboard: Lost Centuria while the beta is online! 😀

Hakio Co-founder of and passionate about virtual worlds of all kinds. It seems that Try Hard is also part of his vocabulary.

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