
Dead Effect review: Our opinion about this mobile game

More info

Dead Effect is a mobile FPS (which has also been ported to PC). As far as the spitch is concerned, the game takes place in space, and you wake up aboard your cryogenic capsule, but there's no one there, not a living soul, although there are zombies. In short, the game's scenario isn't very original. Although it's not very innovative, the game nevertheless offers a fun experience. The aim of this review is to give you a brief overview.

How Dead Effect works

You wake up in a nutshell of space, empty of all life. Well, empty of life is relative, if you take the zombies into account. In addition to its appealing visuals, the game has a simplistic soundtrack that does its job nonetheless. You'll have a wide range of weapons to help you, which you can buy in-app or with the money you earn in the game. The difficulty increases as the game progresses, with more powerful and more numerous enemies. The game also has a few surprises in store. The game also has a survival mode and a mission-of-the-day mode to spice up the 5-hour campaign.


And the gameplay:

Like all mobile FPSs, Dead Effect is no exception to the rule, and also suffers from a number of pitfalls. As usual, the controls don't always respond correctly, whether in terms of the camera, movement or even shooting.


My Opinion

Far from revolutionising the FPS genre, and with an unoriginal storyline, Dead Effect will nevertheless keep you busy for a few hours and keep you amused. What's more, no in-app purchases are required to finish the game, which is a good thing for a free game.

Dead Effect review: Our opinion about this mobile game

Positive points

  • Grauit
  • Fun

Negative points

  • Lack of originality
  • Predictable scenario
  • Control not always responsive
Dead Effect banner
  • Service life - 6
  • Playability - 5
  • Visual - 7
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