
Test Color Sheep: Our opinion of this mobile game

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Color Sheep is an entertaining arcade game featuring Woolston, a sheep like no other who must face a terrible threat. Woolston's advantage is that he can change color and spit out the color of his choice with a devastating laser beam. That's where Color Sheep really comes into its own, as the world is about to be at the mercy of some not-so-friendly wolves (this animal definitely has the wrong role!). The game is available on the windows store, plays store and app store for around 0.80€. Let's face it, that's not a lot of money, so I'll give you a quick review to whet your appetite.

Why colors?

If that's your question, I'd say, and why not? The aim is simple: quickly change the color of our hero (a sheep-chameleon, who'd have thought?) in order to pulverize the wolves who have come to conquer the world. A red shot will eliminate the red wolves, a green shot the green wolves - you get the idea.


Is that all Color Sheep does?

Well, in the end, the aim will be to resist successive wolf assaults for as long as possible, spitting out multicolored lasers again and again. In your quest for survival, you'll be helped by a host of power-ups, some of which give you a shield, while others let lightning strike your enemies. Original and fun, the game requires you to memorize a few combinations in order to use specific colors. A tutorial is provided for each color change, so the game is simplistic and designed to put you at ease. As you'll have gathered, it doesn't look very difficult at first glance. Where things get tricky, however, is in the game's not-always-well-calibrated difficulty management.

In fact, tiny waves can follow one another over a few levels, then gigantic ones, before returning to small waves. So you can reach level 50 and get bored by the lack of difficulty, while at level 48 you'll be doing color manipulation after color manipulation.


My Opinion

Fun to play, original, based on a crazy idea of a sheep changing its fleece as it pleases, the game is pleasant to play, even if it can sometimes be a little messy when many wolves appear. I'd recommend it, not only because of its low price, but also because a 5-10 minute session every now and then to relax doesn't hurt. As for its lifespan, it can be long if you're looking for highscore. In short, Color Sheep is well worth a detour.

Test Color Sheep: Our opinion of this mobile game

Positive points

  • Meticulous design
  • Original
  • Easy to handle

Negative points

  • Sometimes confusing
Color Sheep banner
  • Service life - 7
  • Playability - 7
  • Orginality - 8
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